Saddam Hussein's 'Game of Thrones meets House of Cards' novella getting English translation

The 2003 book has already been published in multiple languages under numerous titles

Jacob Stolworthy
Wednesday 13 July 2016 15:56 BST
(Getty Images)

In the lead-up to the Iraq war in 2003, former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein wrote a novella which was described by the New York Times in 2005 as "a forgettable piece of pulp."

That same novella is to get an English translation, reports The Guardian, with independent publisher Hesperus deciding to release the book inDecember 2016, ten years since he was executed.

A spokesman for Hesperus - who typically releases out-of-print novels - described the 186-page book as “a mix between Game of Thrones and the UK House of Cards-style fiction.” Set 1,500 years ago, the story is focused on a Euphrates river-residing tribe who must oust an invading force.

Speaking about their controversial decision to provide the book with an English translation, Hesperus said: “We were concerned that some of the writers would not be comfortable to be associated with Hesperus once we published this book, but we’re politically neutral. We only publish what we find interesting.”

The novella's manuscript was originally taken out of Iraq by Hussein's daughter, Raghad, in 2003. It has since seen publication in multiple languages under a whole variety of titles including Devil's Dance, Begone Devils and Get Out, You Damned One.

Hesperus is yet to announce what its English title will be.

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