BOOKS / Recommended
Dr Haggard's Disease by Patrick McGrath, Viking, pounds 14.99. Enigmatic, twisted love story set in pre-blitz Britain. Review by Anthony Quinn, 8 May.
May the Lord in His Mercy be Kind to Belfast by Tony Parker, Cape, pounds 16.99. Brilliantly crafted interviews with the people of Belfast, both touching and depressing. Review by Robert Winder, 11 June.
A River Sutra by Gita Mehta, Heinemann, pounds 9.99. Fine lyrical fan of Indian stories with a mystical edge. Review by Natasha Walter, 5 June.
Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha by Roddy Doyle, Secker & Warburg, pounds 12.99. Sharp and funny novel about a 10- year-old trapped in an uncosy boyhood. Review by Giles Smith, 26 June.
Life's Dominion by Ronald Dworkin, HarperCollins, pounds 17.50. Learned and judicious essay about abortion, the law and the meaning of life. Review by Conor Gearty, 12 June.
Makbara by Juan Goytisolo, translated by Helen Lane, Serpent's Tail, pounds 9.99. Tricky, yet intense and mosaic of voices which catches the clamour of the modern world. Winner of the Independent Foreign Fiction Award for June/July.
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