Books: Best Sellers - Hardbacks
1 The Naked Chef Jamie Oliver/M.Jospeph pounds 18.99
The boy wonderchef who sounds like Jagger with a lithp
2 Score! Jilly Cooper/Bantam pounds 16.99
Throb! Pulse! Fwoar!
3 An Equal Music Vikram Seth/Phoenix House pounds 16.99
String quartet beats Rushdie's rock opera
4 Soul of the Fire Terry Goodkind/Orion pounds 16.99
Sword and sorcery epic reaches fifth instalment
5 Pretty Boy Roy Shaw/Blake Publishing pounds 14.99
We're not about to argue with this diamond geezer
6 The Whole Woman Germaine Greer/Doubleday pounds 16.99
Trumping the young hussies
7 Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon Stephen King/Hodder pounds 12.99
All alone in the forest except for a radio
8 Business At The Speed Of Thought Bill Gates/Penguin pounds 18.99
Into the future with billionaire Bill
9 The Ground Beneath Her Feet Salman Rushdie/Cape pounds 18.00
The hit and myth parade
10 Others James Herbert/Macmillan pounds 16.99
Weirdy blockbuster
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