In and Out of the Public Eye

Friday 02 September 2011 12:10 BST

An exhibition of photographs by current BBC and former ITN journalist Eddie Botsio shows British broadcasters as you have never seen them before - going about their private lives.

Botsio has photographed some of the architects of the BBC’s public service heritage for the exhibition 'In and Out of the Public Eye' which opens at the Reading Room in London on Monday.

Those who have agreed to be photographed include: BBC Breakfast’s Bill Turnbull (pictured at home with his bees); Radio 1 DJ Trevor Nelson (playing golf); The Today Programme’s Justin Webb (on his daily commute home); News at Ten’s Mark Austin (at Lords); and even Charlotte Smith for fans of Farming Today.

Prints of the pictures will be sold and the proceeds donated to Raleigh International, a youth and sustainable development charity which funds community and environmental projects.

BBC News Channel presenter Louise Minchin, one of Eddie’s sitters, says Raleigh International inspired her to become a journalist.

“I remember being in the middle of Patagonia with Raleigh and I was being interviewed about [the charity's] work in the country," she said. "Halfway through I remember thinking, 'Now I know what I want to do! I want to be the one asking questions – it’s really obvious’. And fifteen to twenty years later, I'm still asking questions and it was definitely down to that moment, in the middle of Southern Chile."

Botsio, is a trustee of Raleigh International, wanted to give a push to the new Raleigh Bursary Scheme, which will widen the reach of Raleigh’s challenging expeditions to a whole new set of participants.

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In and Out of the Public Eye is at the Reading Room, London from 5 -30 September, For more information and to purchase prints visit

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