ART / Gallery Openings
BIRMINGHAM Ikon Ansuya Blom. First major show for the Amsterdam artist. Ants' nests, fingerprints and interiors. Paintings, drawings, sculptures and film from the past 10 years. And Close Encounters. Cibachromes by Richard Caldicott, images of American suburbia by Gregory Crewdson, photographs by Graham Gussin and Markus Hansen, xeroxes by Michael McDonough, still-life photography by Christopher Muller and images of abandoned nightscapes by Bridget Smith. 58-72 John Bright St (021- 643 0708). 3 Sept-22 Oct. Tue-Sat 11.00-6.00, Thur to 8.00; free.
Christie's Paintings of the Georgian chapel All Saints Wardour Castle. Artists include Hugh Casson, Alexander Cresswell, Ricardo Cinalli and others. Ryder St, W1. 2-9 Sept. Mon-Fri 9.00-4.30, Sun 2.00-5.00; free.
ICA Stan Douglas. Three installations and works for television by a Canadian artist examine human relationships and reactions to the everyday. The Mall, SW1 (071-930 3647). 2 Sept-2 Oct. Daily 12.00-11.00; pounds 1.50.
Royal Festival Hall Images and sounds of the countryside. Three artists - Tony Sinden, Stan Steele and Lulu Quinn - create a video and sound installation with agricultural objects to create an impression of the changing seasonal face of the rural landscape. South Bank Centre, SE1 (071-250 3288). To 11 Sept; free.
Serpentine Gallery Brian Catling. Classic performance art by a master of the genre, eight hours a day for nine days, with the title The Blindings. Spoken text and sculptural installations do their best to seduce and mesmerise the audience. Almost anything could happen. Kensington Gdns, W2 (071- 402 6075). 3-11 Sept. Daily 10.00-6.00; free.
Tricycle Gallery Hannah Horsfall and Malcolm Bell. Recent improvised collaborative drawings. 269 Kilburn High Rd, NW6 (071- 328 1000). 30 Aug-1 Oct. Mon-Sat 10.30-10.30; free.
RYE Rye Art Gallery Margaret Bernard. Paintings in the style of Nevinson by a little- known Scottish-born artist. Stormont Studio, Ockmans Lane, East St (0797 223218). 3 Sept- 30 Oct. Mon-Sat 10.30-1.0, 2.00-5.00, Sun 2.30-5.00; free.
ST IVES Penwith Gallery Robert Jones. Expressionist seascapes. Back Rd West (0736 795579). 5 Sept-15 Oct. Tue-Sat 10.00-1.00, 2.30-5.00; free.
BATH Hitchcock's Victor Stuart Graham. Nave boat models in the Wallis mode. 10 Chapel Row (0225 330646). 2 Sept-8 Oct.
CAMBRIDGE Bodilly Galleries Patrick Caulfield. Print retrospective for the acclaimed Pop artist. 71 Lensfield Rd (0223 566555). To 10 Sept. Mon-Fri 10.00-6.00, Sat 10.00-1.00.
GLASGOW Art Exposure Gallery Launch of a new gallery for the city. Works by Evans, Sutherland, McGregor, Watt and others. 19 Parnie St (041-331 2617). 3-29 Sept. Mon-Sat 11.00-6.00.
Roger Billcliffe David Martin. Recent colourist still-lifes and Scottish landscapes reminiscent of Gillies and Redpath. 134 Blythswood St (041-332 4027). 3-27 Sept.
Alternative Art Galleries Paintings by Catya Plate with the title 'Ars Moriendi in Numbers'. Death is the overwhelming concern of these engaging works that deal with burial rites. 98 Marylebone High St, W1 (071- 375 0441). To 10 Sept. Tue-Sat 11.00-5.00.
Anthony d'Offay Gallery Andrea Zittel. Design-based work which looks for inspiration to early constructivism and comments on contemporary issues. 9, 21 & 23 Dering St, W1 (071-499 4100). 2 Sept-15 Oct. Mon-Fri 10.00- 5.30, Sat 10.00-1.00.
Jill George Gallery Homosexuality and Western art in the last 100 years. Coincides with a new book on the subject by Emmanuel Cooper. Includes works by Hockney, Bacon, Mapplethorpe, Warhol, Jarman, Sadie Lee and Emily Anderson. 38 Lexington St, W1 (071-439 7343). 3-16 Sept. Mon-Fri 10.00-6.00, Sat 11.00-4.00.
John Jones Work by five figurative artists with the collective title 'Stalker'. Paintings by James Brooks, domestic fantasies by Fran Burden, Anne-Marie Creamer's horror film stills, Lee Maelzer's video stills, and Sadie Murdoch's empty rooms. 4 Morris Place, N4 (071-281 2380). 6 Sept-8 Oct.
Mall Galleries Contemporary pastel artists. Three hundred works by members of the Pastel Society. An interesting opportunity to view varied interpretations of a medium which many would think was past its sell-by date. The Mall, SW1 (071-930 6844). 1-11 Sept. Daily 10.00-5.00; pounds 2, conc pounds 1.
Marlborough Graphics Works on paper. Seasonal exhibition of pencil drawings, pastels and prints by gallery artists. Includes two new etchings by Auerbach and work by Arikha, Steven Campbell, Stephen Conroy, Bill Jacklin, Ken Kiff, R B Kitaj, Victor Pasmore, John Piper and others. 6 Albemarle St, W1 (071-629 5161). 1-30 Sept. Mon-Fri 10.00-5.30, Sat 10.00-12.30.
Tramshed Malcolm Poynter. Sculpture by the figurative artist accorded cult status in japan. And you can see why. Lifesize, often rather bland, distorted nudes. 32-38 Rivington St, EC2. 4-18 Sept. Daily 12.00-7.30.
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