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UK travel news: Euston station evacuated as festive getaway begins

The great festive getaway is underway

Monday 23 December 2019 10:00 GMT
London Euston station evacuated after security alert amid Christmas travel chaos

For the next two weeks, millions of rail passengers will find journeys across Britain difficult. They will be hit by a combination of Network Rail engineering work, strikes and nature.

UK airports will also be busy over the festive period, with millions of passengers expected to pass through on midwinter trips.


The US' Federal Aviation Authority has extended its ground stop order for Chicago O'Hare international airport until 10.45am local time (4.45pm GMT) due to dense fog in the region.

The airport, the main international hub for Chicago, recommends checking flight status with carriers before travel.

Cathy Adams24 December 2019 16:34

Nats, which runs air traffic control in the UK, has shared a festive message for fliers...

Cathy Adams24 December 2019 16:38

Yet more crew shortage is making travel tricky.

National Rail says: "A shortage of train crew between Westbury and Swindon means trains currently unable to run between these stations.

"Trains between Westbury and Swindon will be cancelled until the end of the day."

Cathy Adams24 December 2019 16:43

After easyJet said it would stop being gender-specific in addressing passengers, Adam Cleave tweeted the airline to say: "Better cancel your routes to and from Brest, Dalaman, Frankfurt, Gran Canaria, Granada, Isle of Man, Manchester, Menorca and any other offensively-named places then."

Read the full story here:

Airline responds to trans passenger’s concerns

Cathy Adams24 December 2019 16:52

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