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Instagram outage - live: App appears to suspend massive number of accounts as platform ‘looking into’ issue

Users who are still able to get onto platform say they are rapidly losing followers as accounts disappear

Andrew Griffin
Monday 31 October 2022 16:52 GMT
Instagram down: Vast numbers of users unable to access accounts in outage

Vast numbers of people appear to have been kicked off Instagram, and are unable to access the app.

Many users reported that the app was telling them their account had been suspended on Monday, seemingly for breaking the site’s rules.

But the sheer number of people being suspended and the apparently innocent nature of accounts that were affected suggested the problem could be a bug.

Instagram did not immediately respond to questions from The Independent and has not addressed the problem on its public platforms.

It comes just days after another large outage at fellow Meta app WhatsApp.


Hello and welcome...

... to The Independent’s live coverage of a major problem at WhatsApp, which appears to have suspended vast numbers of accounts.

Andrew Griffin31 October 2022 14:19

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