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White House Christmas tree 2018: Donald and Melania Trump host traditional delivery event

Chris Stevenson
New York
Monday 19 November 2018 19:30 GMT
Melania Trump receives White House Christmas tree

President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump have taken delivery of the annual White House Christmas tree.

The annual event is watched around the world, with this year’s tree standing 19 and a half feet tall.

The North Carolina-grown tree arrived via horse and carriage as is tradition.

The tradition of the White House Christmas tree dates back to 1889, when President Benjamin Harrison placed the first tree in the Yellow Room, decorated with candles.

Mountain Top Fraser Fir’s Larry Smith was named “Grand Champion” in the National Christmas Tree Association’s contest last summer, earning the right to have his tree in the White House.

“I feel as though I have finally won the Super Bowl. It’s a great honor to represent the Christmas tree industry by providing the Official White House Christmas Tree in 2018,” Mr Smith said.

To see how the event unfolded

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Chris Stevenson19 November 2018 18:07

The event has started with the band playing 'O Christmas Tree' on the White House steps.

Chris Stevenson19 November 2018 18:12

The horse and carriage has pulled up, and here some Donald Melania Trump to inspect the tree.

Chris Stevenson19 November 2018 18:13

Mr Trump shakes hands with the two drivers of the carriage, and pets the two horses.

Mr Trump waves to come of the children gathered for the ceremony.

Chris Stevenson19 November 2018 18:14

The White House band are now playing 'O Come All Ye Faithful' as Mr Trump greets some of the family gathered of Larry Smith, who grew the tree.

Chris Stevenson19 November 2018 18:16

And with that the president and the first lady are back inside the White House. Mr Trump did look like he was having fun joking with the small crowd gathered.

Although it is clear to see why the president often skips the delivery, give how short the appearance was.

Chris Stevenson19 November 2018 18:20

With that, we are closing over coverage. Later in the wee, Mr Trump will partake in another holiday tradition, ahead of Thanksgiving on Thursday - the turkey pardon.

Chris Stevenson19 November 2018 18:22

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