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Gretchen Whitmer news – live: Governor condemns Trump for failing to condemn white supremacists as kidnap plot foiled

Authorities learned of violent Wolverine Watchmen scheme on social media

Graeme Massie,Oliver O'Connell
Thursday 08 October 2020 23:45 BST
Gretchen Whitmer hits out at Donald Trump as she denounces kidnap plot

The FBI broke up a right-wing militia plot to kidnap the governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer and put her on “trial.”


More from Governor Whitmer’s press briefing

Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer hit out at Donald Trump as she denounced the violent kidnap plot against her.

Gov Whitmer launched a blistering attack on Mr Tump and accused him of “giving comfort” to white supremacists and hate groups in the US.

“This should be a moment for national unity where we all pull together as Americans to meet this challenge head on," she said.

“Seeing the humanity in one another and doing our part to help our country get through this. 

Graeme Massie reports.

Gretchen Whitmer hits out at Trump as she denounces plot to kidnap her

Politician accused president of ‘giving comfort’ to extremists

Oliver O'Connell8 October 2020 21:02

Trump campaign official attacks Whitmer

Speaking on Fox News, Trump campaign official Jason Miller attacked Governor Whitmer, saying: "If we want to talk about hatred, the Governor Whitmer, go look in the mirror — the fact that she wakes up everyday with such hatred in her heart for President Trump."

Oliver O'Connell8 October 2020 20:51

The tip of the iceberg?

In an interview with MSNBC’s Katy Tur, Michigan’s attorney general Dana Nessel said that this plot “may very well be the tip of the iceberg”.

“This is a president that traffics in extremism and I hear the press frequently talk about it in terms of a dog whistle to these groups but to me it's not a dog whistle. It is really a command to action more than anything,” AG Nessel said.

We have “seen it enabled not just by the president but by other elected leaders in our state that call [Governor Whitmer] a dictator or use other very hostile language towards her”.

Ms Nessel said that armed militants in paramilitary uniforms tote around their assault weapons, and then you will see elected officials literally hobnobbing with them and joining in and speaking at the events. In addition, many county sheriffs refused to enforce the governor's orders.

Asked if the arrested men were connected to the armed rally at the State Capitol in April, Ms Nessel said that many of them were in attendance then. 

Oliver O'Connell8 October 2020 20:47

Trump called protesters ‘good people’

Donald Trump has called Michigan protesters “good people” and implored the state governor to ease stay-at-home measures, just one day after armed residents intimidated lawmakers.

“The Governor of Michigan should give a little, and put out the fire,” Mr Trump tweeted on Friday, addressing Governor Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat. “These are very good people, but they are angry. They want their lives back again, safely! See them, talk to them, make a deal.”

Trump calls lockdown protesters ‘good people’ a day after armed demonstrators stormed statehouse

Governor Gretchen Whitmer previously extended stay-at-home orders until 15 May 

Oliver O'Connell8 October 2020 20:38

Michigan saw armed protests back in April

Flashback to this incident at the end of April when armed anti-lockdown protesters stormed the State Capitol building.

Armed protestors storm Michigan Capitol as politicians wearing bulletproof vests vote on lifting lockdown

Senator Sylvia Santana, a Democrat, wore the protective gear to work on Thursday to protect herself 

Their motives were questioned at the time. Was this really about economic hardship? Or was it about hate? 

“It is right-wing hegemony. To pretend otherwise is disingenuous,” wrote Noah Berlatsky. 

Michigan gunmen stormed the statehouse and proved these protests have never really been about coronavirus

If these protesters really wanted to help working people, they'd be asking for bigger government bailouts, better protections for smaller businesses and free healthcare. There's a reason they're not doing that

Oliver O'Connell8 October 2020 20:28

Others also blame Trump’s rhetoric for increase in political violence

Oliver O'Connell8 October 2020 20:16

Governor Whitmer press conference

Governor Gretchen Whitmer gave a brief press conference in which she says she never could have imagined this happening when she put her hand on the Bible when being sworn into office 22 months ago.

Referring to the plotters as “sick and depraved men” she says she would like to see them brought to justice, before hitting out at Donald Trump’s rhetoric as encouraging hate groups such as this.

“Our head of state has spent the past 7 months ignoring science ... fomenting anger ... giving comfort to those who spread fear, hatred and suspicion,” the governor said.

Oliver O'Connell8 October 2020 20:11

What we know so far

Graeme Massie has the story of the plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer.

FBI breaks up militia plot to kidnap governor of Michigan Gretchen Whitmer

Officials say group planned on murdering ‘tyrants’ before election day

Oliver O'Connell8 October 2020 20:04

Adam Fox one of militia members arrested

FBI affidavit states that Fox said on several occasions he wanted to kidnap Gov Whitmer before the national election on 3 November.

In a Facebook private group livestream Fox called her a “tyrant b***h” for restricting access to gyms during the coronavirus pandemic.

Graeme Massie8 October 2020 19:32

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