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Salman Rushdie - live: Iran condemned for ‘sickening’ statement blaming author for attack

Author, 75, was target of ‘fatwa’ by Iranian religious leaders over 1988 book The Satanic Verses

Matt Mathers
Monday 15 August 2022 14:22 BST
Author Salman Rushdie attacked on stage in New York

Iran has been condemned by a senior UK politician for its "sickening" claim that Sir Salman Rushie has no one to blame but himself for getting stabbed.

David Lammy, the UK's shadow foreign secretary, urged the government to urgently put "diplomatic pressure" on the Iranian government to apologise for the remarks.

"It is truly sickening that the Iranian government has the audacity to blame Salman Rushdie and his supporters for the brutal attack on his life," Mr Lammy said.

Earlier, Iran sought to distance itself from the attack.

Foreign ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani said that Sir Salman, attacked in New York state on Friday night as he prepared to deliver a lecture on freedom of expression,.

“Salman Rushdie and his supporters are to blame for what happened to him,” he said. “Freedom of speech does not justify Salman Rushdie’s insults upon religion and offence of its sanctities.”

A fatwa, or religious edict, calling on Muslims to kill the author was issued by Ayatollah Khomeini, the then Iranian leader, in 1989 - a year after Satanic Versus was published. It was never revoked


New York governor Kathy Hochul condemns attack

New York governor Kathy Hochul has condemned the attack on Sir Salman.

Speaking at a lecture on Sunday, she said that “a man with a knife cannot silence a man with a pen.”

Ms Hochul was elected to office in August left year, after Andrew Cuomo resigned ovr sexual harassment allegations, which he denies.

Matt Mathers15 August 2022 10:50

Iran comments ‘truly sickening’

Shadow foreign secretary David Lammy has labelled as "truly sickening" comments by an Iranian government official about the assault on author Sir Salman Rushdie.

Nasser Kanaani, the spokesman of Iran's foreign ministry, denied involvement by Tehran and implied that Sir Salman brought the attack on himself.

Mr Lammy said: "It is truly sickening that the Iranian government has the audacity to blame Salman Rushdie and his supporters for the brutal attack on his life.

"Salman Rushdie is an inspirational writer and a courageous defender of our values. Any attack on him is an assault on free speech and liberty.

"The UK government must urgently put diplomatic pressure on the Iranian government to withdraw and apologise for these shameful comments."

Matt Mathers15 August 2022 11:15

Review of suspect’s social media accounts show he was sympathetic to Shi’ite extremism

An initial law enforcement review of Matar's social media accounts showed he was sympathetic to Shi'ite extremism and Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), according to NBC New York. Washington accuses the IRGC of carrying out a global extremist campaign.

IRGC-affiliated Jam-e Jam and other hardline Iranian state media outlets celebrated the attack and some Iranians voiced support for it online.

Matar is the son of a man from Yaroun in southern Lebanon, according to Ali Tehfe, the town's mayor. Matar's parents emigrated to the United States, where he was born and raised, the mayor said, adding he had no information on their political views.

Matt Mathers15 August 2022 11:57

Who is Hadi Matar?

Matar is the son of a man from Yaroun in southern Lebanon, according to Ali Tehfe, the town's mayor. Matar's parents emigrated to the United States, where he was born and raised, the mayor said, adding he had no information on their political views.

The Iran-backed armed group Hezbollah holds significant sway in Yaroun, where posters of Khomeini and IRGC commander Qassem Soleimani, killed by a U.S. drone strike in 2020, adorned walls at the weekend.

A Hezbollah official told Reuters on Saturday that the group had no additional information on Friday's attack.

His mother said he “changed” from being a “popular, loving son” to a “moody introvert” after visiting the Middle East in 2018.

Mr Matar, upon his return, lived in the basement, slept during the days and woke up and ate during the night, she said. He was born in the US to Lebanese parents.

“I was expecting him to come back motivated, to complete school, to get his degree and a job. But instead he locked himself in the basement. He had changed a lot, he didn’t say anything to me or his sisters for months.”

Matt Mathers15 August 2022 12:30

ICYMI: Iran denies involvement and says author himself is to blame for attack

Iran has denied any involvement in the New York stabbing of Sir Salman Rushdie, arguing that only the author and his supporters are to be blamed for the attack.

My colleague Alisha Rahaman Sarkar has the full story:

Iran denies involvement and says Salman Rushdie is to blame for own stabbing

Sir Salman is in critical condition after being stabbed nearly 10 times on stage

Matt Mathers15 August 2022 12:58

ICYMI: Mother of Salman Rushdie stabbing suspect says he ‘changed’ after Middle East trip

The mother of the 24-year-old suspect accused of attempting to murder Sir Salman Rushdie says the man “changed” from being a “popular, loving son” to a “moody introvert” after visiting the Middle East in 2018.

My colleague Alisha Rahaman Sarkar has more:

Mother of Salman Rushdie stabbing suspect says he ‘changed’ after Middle East trip

Author was stabbed nearly 10 times on stage in New York, and remains in critical condition

Matt Mathers15 August 2022 13:30

Downing Street condemns ‘ludicrous’ Iranian suggestion Rusdie responsible for attack

Downing Street has said it is "ludicrous" to suggest that Sir Salman Rushdie might bear any responsibility for the attack on him.

An Iranian government official on Monday denied that Tehran was involved in the assault on the author, in remarks that were the country's first public comments on the stabbing attack.

Asked about the comments from Tehran, the UK prime minister’s official spokesman said: "Clearly it's ludicrous to suggest that Salman Rushdie was in any way responsible for this abhorrent attack on him.

"This was not just an attack on him, it was an attack on the right to free speech and expression. And the UK government stands both by him and his family but equally we will stand in defence of free speech around the world."

Matt Mathers15 August 2022 14:07

We’re closing our live coverage of the reaction to the attack on Salman Rushdie.

Sam Rkaina15 August 2022 14:21

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