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Suella Braverman news – live: Home secretary warns Tories to stop infighting amid rift reports

Downing Street earlier denied a rift between Suella Braverman and Rishi Sunak

Matt Mathers
Monday 15 May 2023 16:53 BST
Braverman’s speech interrupted by protesters at National Conservatism conference

Setting out her vision for conservatism at a right-wing conference in central London, Home Secretary Suella Braverman has warned the Conservative Party to stop infighting.

Amid reports of fresh rifts in the cabinet, Ms Braverman told the audience at the National Conservatism conference: “One way that we Conservatives must distinguish ourselves from the Left is by not devouring ourselves through fratricide.”

Ms Braverman, who unsuccessfully ran as Conservative Party leader last year, added that she was “optimistic about the future of conservatism, our great nation and of Western civilisation”.

Earlier, Downing Street was forced to deny a rift between Ms Braverman and Rishi Sunak amid reports she would push the PM to bring down overall migration.

Mr Sunak’s official spokesman said: “She continues to represent the UK government views on all issues relating to the Home Office, as you would expect.”

Ms Braverman also attacked left-wing politics, saying it was “making people feel terrible about our past”.


Government U-turn on scrapping EU laws ‘pathetically under-ambitious’ - Rees-Mogg

Jacob Rees-Mogg has slammed the government’s decision to scale back post-Brexit plans to scrap EU laws.

The loyalist of former prime minister Boris Johnson told the National Conservatism conference that the repeal so far of EU laws was "pathetically under-ambitious".

He said it was "very unfortunate" that Rishi Sunak had broken his promise, adding: "The surrender to the blob risks exposing the government to ridicule."

But Mr Rees-Mogg warned that it was "essential" to support the government because "the alternative is far worse".

Matt Mathers15 May 2023 10:57

‘Nonsense’ to question Sue Gray independence - Starmer

Sir Keir Starmer has said it is "nonsense" to question Sue Gray’s independence during the partygate investigation after it was announced the former senior civil servant was due to become Labour’s next chief of staff.

The Labour leader also laughed off reports that former prime minister Boris Johnson had referred to the ex-mandarin as a "psycho," saying "increasingly hysterical things" will be said and done in the run-up to a general election next year.

On questions about Ms Gray’s independence, Sir Keir said: "It’s nonsense and as I’ve said many times before I didn’t speak to Sue at all during the partygate investigation and that’s the long of the short of it."

Referring to Mr Johnson’s former director of communications, Guto Harri, alleging the ex-prime minister had called her a "psycho", the Labour leader said: "I’ll tell you one thing, I won’t be making any decision about Sue Gray, future Labour government, or any policy based on what Boris Johnson thinks."

He added: "We know there’ll be an election next year, so increasingly hysterical things will be said and done and we need to just see them for what they are."

Matt Mathers15 May 2023 10:29

Rees-Mogg speech interrupted by protester

Jacob Rees-Mogg’s speech at the National Conservatism conference was interrupted by a protester.

Shortly after the Tory MP began speaking, a man joined him at the lectern and told the audience: "I would like to draw your attention to a few characteristics of fascism."

The protester was then bundled off the stage.

Mr Rees-Mogg was expected to use his address at the gathering to criticise the government’s recent decision to scrap the repeal of EU laws.

Protester storms stage during Jacob Rees-Mogg's National Conservatism conference speech
Jacob Rees-Mogg
Jacob Rees-Mogg (PA Wire)
Matt Mathers15 May 2023 10:19

High numbers of immigration often a ‘good thing’ - trade minister

High numbers of immigration are often a “good thing”, a trade minister has said.

Nigel Huddleston played down concern about figures due to show a record high for net migration.

Speaking to Times Radio, he said immigration should come down in the long run but that “every now and again we also need more people to come into the country, many people are coming in just for temporary reasons, for example, students, and that’s often a good thing”.

Nigel Huddleston
Nigel Huddleston (PA Archive)

Matt Mathers15 May 2023 10:09

‘Get back to the office’: Starmer says Braverman should be tackling asylum backlogs

Sir Keir Starmer has said the government’s handling of the asylum backlog is "pathetic", urging Suella Braverman to cancel her planned speech on immigration and "get back to the office".

The Labour leader said between 1 per cent and 3 per cent of applications from those who arrive on small boats have been processed from last year, calling on the home secretary to make the logjam her priority.

Speaking on LBC, he said he agreed with the Archbishop of Canterbury that the Illegal Migration Bill was "impractical" and "wrong".

He told listeners: "Suella Braverman, the home secretary, is today making a speech about what she thinks ought to happen on immigration. She is the home secretary.

"They’ve been in power for 13 years. This is like (Mikel) Arteta... doing a speech this afternoon on what Arsenal ought to do."

Sir Keir added later: "This is pathetic. I’d say to the Home Secretary: stop the speech, cancel that, get back to the office and sort out the processing of these claims."

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer
Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer (PA)

Matt Mathers15 May 2023 10:02

Sunak welcomes Zelensky as leaders pictured in warm embrace

Rishi Sunak has greeted Volodymyr Zelensky after the Ukraine president’s helicopter landed at Chequers.

“Welcome back”, the prime minister said in a post on Twitter, which included a photo of the two leaders in a warm embrace.

Earlier, Mr Sunak said it is a “crucial moment for Ukraine’s resistance to a terrible war of aggression they did not choose or provoke.”

"They need the sustained support of the international community to defend against the barrage of unrelenting and indiscriminate attacks that have been their daily reality for over a year.”

Prime minister Rishi Sunak walks with Ukraine’spPresident Volodymyr Zelensky after greeting him on his arrival at Chequers
Prime minister Rishi Sunak walks with Ukraine’spPresident Volodymyr Zelensky after greeting him on his arrival at Chequers (Getty Images)
Matt Mathers15 May 2023 09:43

Victims’ bill ‘not worth paper it’s written on’ after being hijacked by Dominic Raab, watchdog says

A new package of laws the government claims will strengthen victims’ rights “isn’t worth the paper it’s written on”, a watchdog has said.

Claire Waxman, the victims’ commissioner for London, said the Victims and Prisoners Bill had been “hijacked by Dominic Raab” to increase government powers while diluting its original aims.

Lizzie Dearden reports:

Victims’ bill ‘hijacked by Dominic Raab’, watchdog says

Calls for government to withdraw parts of bill added by the former justice secretary without consultation with victims

Matt Mathers15 May 2023 09:43

Zelensky lands in UK

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenksy has landed in the UK for a surprise visit to ramp up pressure on Rishi Sunak to provide his country with more military aid ahead of an expected spring offensive.

The president’s helicopter touched down at Chequers - the prime minister’s country retreat - earlier this morning with the pair due to hold talks soon.

Mr Zelensky also issued a new appeal to NATO on Monday to make a "positive political decision" on Kyiv’s membership drive at a July summit. He made the remarks in a video address to the Copenhagen Democracy Summit.

It comes as two of Russia’s military commanders were killed in eastern Ukraine as Kyiv’s forces renewed efforts to break through Russian defences in the embattled city of Bakhmut.

Read all the latest updates from the war here.

(Sky News)
Zelensky arrives at Chequers to meet Rishi Sunak
Matt Mathers15 May 2023 09:30

Senior Tory declines to say if Sunak should lead party at next election

Senior Conservative MP Sir John Redwood has pushed for "big changes" in migration policy and refused to say whether Rishi Sunak should lead the party into the next election.

Asked whether he supported the prime minister on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme on Monday, Sir John said he was focused on "policy not on people".

It comes ahead of a speech by home secretary Suella Braverman at the National Conservatism Conference later on Monday in which she is expected to push for lower migration.

Sir John said: "The current focus is on policy and I am an optimist. I think this Government could do well. It could make changes for the better.

"I and my colleagues are desperate for it to do so.

"It needs to make big changes on its attitude towards Brexit, on its attitude towards economic growth and on migration."

Sir John Redwood
Sir John Redwood (Getty Images)
Matt Mathers15 May 2023 09:20

Zelensky in surprise visit to UK to press Sunak for more military support

Volodymyr Zelensky arrived in the UK on Monday to meet Rishi Sunak for “substantive negotiations” to secure more support for his country’s war effort.

The Ukrainian president will meet his “friend” the prime minister as part of a trip around Europe pressing leaders for more military aid.

Mr Zelensky said on Twitter: “The UK is a leader when it comes to expanding our capabilities on the ground and in the air.

“This cooperation will continue today. I will meet my friend Rishi. We will conduct substantive negotiations face-to-face and in delegations.”

Archie Mitchell reports:

Zelensky in surprise visit to UK to press Sunak for more military support

Ukrainian president says UK has been ‘a leader’ in supporting Ukraine throughout Russia’s invasion

Matt Mathers15 May 2023 09:16

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