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Tory leadership - live: Truss tax cuts would not help vulnerable pensioners, Sunak says

Former chancellor Rishi Sunak said he is ‘confident’ he can find extra funds for direct support

Gordon Brown says Liz Truss’ proposed tax cuts ‘don’t help people who need the help’

Rishi Sunak said tax cuts proposed by his Tory leadership rival Liz Truss will not help vulnerable pensioners who will struggle to pay for heating this winter.

At hustings in Darlington, former chancellor Mr Sunak said he could offer hundreds of pounds extra for the “most vulnerable” people to pay their energy bills – in addition to support already pledged.

In a swipe at Ms Truss’ plans, he said tax cuts are “not much alone” for people living off pensions, adding that it was “wrong” for her to “rule out direct support”.

It comes after analysts warned that energy bills could exceed £4,200 in the new year as a result of Ofgem planning to lift the price cap once again, after a move to lift it to £3,582 in October.

Mr Sunak and foreign secretary Ms Truss – who are vying to succeed Boris Johnson as PM – have faced calls to spell out how they would ease the crisis at the event attended by Tory members.

Mr Sunak said he has “no doubt” extra support will be needed to get people through the winter, and he is “confident” he can find the money from government “efficiency savings”.


Raab calls Truss' tax cut plans 'electoral suicide'

If Liz Truss pushes ahead with her proposed tax cuts it will be an “electoral suicide note” for the Tory party, the deputy prime minister has warned.

Dominic Raab, a supporter of former chancellor Rishi Sunak, said it was wrong for Ms Truss to propose tax cuts and not lay out plans to protect people from the cost of living crisis.

“If we go to the country with an emergency budget in September that fails to measure up to the task in hand, voters will not forgive us as they see their living standards eroded and the financial security they cherish disappear before their eyes,” Mr Raab said, writing for The Times.

“Such a failure will read unmistakenly to the public like an electoral suicide note and, as sure as night follows day, see our great party cast into the impotent oblivion of opposition.”

Joe Middleton has more:

Liz Truss tax cut plans are ‘electoral suicide note’, warns Dominic Raab

Deputy PM warns Tory party could be cast into ‘impotent oblivion of opposition’

Stuti Mishra9 August 2022 05:25

Welcome to The Independent’s UK politics blog for 9 August 2022 where we provide the latest on the Tory leadership race and everything that is buzzing in Westminster.

Stuti Mishra9 August 2022 05:09

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