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MPs and military chiefs question ‘yes man’ Shapps as new defence secretary - UK politics live

Sir Richard Dannatt, the former head of the Armed Forces, says Shapps knows ‘very little’ about defence

Matt Mathers,Adam Forrest
Friday 01 September 2023 06:02 BST
Who is new defence secretary Grant Shapps?

Former military chiefs and opposition MPs have questioned the suitability of “yes man” Grant Shapps for his new role as defence secretary.

Mr Shapps, the former energy secretary, was Rishi Sunak’s surprise choice to replace Ben Wallace this morning as the prime minister carried out a mini cabinet reshuffle.

Sir Richard Dannatt, the former head of the Armed Forces, expressed his concern that Mr Shapps had been given the job to “support” Mr Sunak rather than “make the case” for defence budgets.

He also suggested it would take Mr Shapps “some time” to get up to speed with the defence brief, which he knows “very little” about.

Claire Coutinho, a former education minister, replaced Mr Shapps in a major promotion for the East Surrey MP. A close ally of Mr Sunak who previously worked as his adviser, the 38-year-old is the first MP from the 2019 intake to join cabinet.


Sunak has appointed ‘yes man’ in Shapps, say Lib Dems

The Liberal Democrats said Rishi Sunak had appointed a “yes man” in a crucial role – and pointed out that Grant Shapps had said in his failed Conservative leadership campaign that he thought our armed forces should be strengthened, Adam Forrest reports.

The party’s defence spokesperson Richard Foord said: “At a time when the armed forces need someone to stand up for them, Rishi Sunak has appointed a yes-man.

“This is Shapps’ fifth cabinet role in less than a year. The Conservative government merry-go-round has to stop.”

Richard Foord, Lib Dem defence spokesman
Richard Foord, Lib Dem defence spokesman (PA)
Matt Mathers31 August 2023 13:49

‘Will he really understand?’ Former Army chief questions Shapps appointment

Sir Richard Dannatt, the former head of the Armed Forces, expressed his concern that Grant Shapps had been given the job to “support” Mr Sunak rather than “make the case” for defence budgets, Adam Forrest reports.

Lord Dannatt told Sky News: “Will he really understand and make the case for defence ... or will he be more political and support the prime minister for party political purposes? Ben Wallace was arguing for [defence investment]. Is that discussion going to continue? Or will Grant Shapps choose to go quietly?”

He also said Mr Shapps knows “very little about defence” and it will take him “quite some time to get up to speed”. Sir Richard added: “I think there is a risk that certainly the debate on resources for defence stagnates, at least until Grant Shapps can get his head around his portfolio.”

Chief of the General Staff General Sir Richard Dannatt
Chief of the General Staff General Sir Richard Dannatt (PA)
Matt Mathers31 August 2023 13:32

Ben Wallace for I’m a Celeb?

One leading bookmaker has slashed their odds to 2-1 (from 12-1) on Ben Wallace being a contestant on I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here in 2023, following his resignation from the cabinet.

“After the success Matt Hancock had on I’m A Celeb last year, we think former defence secretary Ben Wallace could be the latest high-profile politician to enter the ITV show Down Under, and we have slashed his odds to be a camp member in the upcoming series,” said Coral’s John Hill.

Ben Wallace tipped to take to reality TV
Ben Wallace tipped to take to reality TV (Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)
Adam Forrest31 August 2023 13:21

MoD officials did not want Shapps, claims senior Tory

Tory MP Mark Francois – a former armed forces minister – has said many people at the Ministry of Defence (MoD) did not want Grant Shapps to get the job.

He said Mr Shapps faces “a very steep learning curve” and had several “really tough issues” to manage – including Ukraine, Nato commitments, defence procurement and service families’ accommodation.

“Ben Wallace is going to be an incredibly tough act to follow. And I think, to put it mildly, because it’s such a complex department, this is going to be a very steep learning curve for Grant Shapps,” he told GB News.

“Many people in the building wanted James [Heappey] to get the job. He hasn’t,” said Mr Francois. He added: “Grant Shapps is a bright bloke, but he’s going to have to come up with the speed very, very quickly.”

Mark Francois MP
Mark Francois MP (PA)
Adam Forrest31 August 2023 13:15

Claire Coutinho – rising Tory star who is Sunak’s mirror image

Claire Coutinho has been thrust into the spotlight after winning one of the top jobs in government. It marks a major step up for the little-known Rishi Sunak ally, who has only been in parliament since 2019 and has held junior ministerial roles for less than a year.

The 38-year-old – a loyal supporter of the PM who regularly took to the airwaves on his behalf during last summer’s leadership contest – has a similar background to Mr Sunak.

Like the PM, she is the child of Indian emigrees. While Mr Sunak’s mother ran a pharmacist, Ms Coutinho’s parents are both doctors who came to the UK in the 1970s.

Like Mr Sunak, the bright high-flyer was privately educated (at James Allen’s Girls School) and went on to study both Maths and Philosophy at Oxford University.

And like Mr Sunak Ms Coutinho worked in finance – beginning her career at Merrill Lynch before moving on to KMPG, before leaving the City and joining Iain Duncan Smith’s Centre for Social Justice.

Claire Coutinho – rising Tory star who is Sunak’s mirror image gets top job

38-year-old energy secretary is key ally of PM and worked with him at Treasury as aide

Adam Forrest31 August 2023 13:00

RSPB apologises for calling Tories ‘liars’ over green promises

The RSPB has apologised for calling Rishi Sunak, Michael Gove and other Tory ministers “liars” over plans to scrap water pollution restrictions on housebuilding.

The conservation charity said sorry for attacking the senior politicians personally over the latest post-Brexit regulatory move – having posted the claims on X, formally known Twitter.

The organisation had written that ministers “said you wouldn’t weaken environmental protections”, before adding: “And yet that’s just what you are doing. You lie, and you lie, and you lie again.”

RSPB apologises for calling Tories ‘liars’ over green promises

Charity concedes ‘frustration’ at failure to uphold pledges ‘led us to attack people not policy’

Matt Mathers31 August 2023 12:45

Nadine Dorries book on downfall of Johnson delayed for over a month

Nadine Dorries’s book on the downfall of former prime minister Boris Johnson will be delayed by over a month due to "the huge volume of material the author has consulted", publisher HarperCollins has said.

The former MP’s book, titled The Plot: The Political Assassination Of Boris Johnson, had been scheduled for release on 28 September, just before the Conservative Party conference.

It will now be released on 9 November.

Ms Dorries, one of Mr Johnson’s most loyal allies, has been an outspoken critic of Mr Sunak and has been accused of timing her resignation to inflict maximum damage on the PM.

She announced she would quit months ago but finally confirmed her departure on Sunday. It means the byelection in her Mid Bedfordshire constituency will be held at the end of September or start of October.

The Tory Party conference will take place from 1-4 October.

The former MP’s book is said to feature ‘unparalleled access, from multiple inside sources talking with astonishing candour’ (Stefan Rousseau/PA)
The former MP’s book is said to feature ‘unparalleled access, from multiple inside sources talking with astonishing candour’ (Stefan Rousseau/PA) (PA Wire)

Matt Mathers31 August 2023 12:25

Tory special advisers responsible for MoJ breaking law on FOI request - report

Conservative Party special advisers were reportedly responsible for the Ministry of Justice blocking a freedom of information (FOI) request in what amounted to a  breach of the law.

The advisers told ministry transparency officials last year not to release submissions made about the department’s now defunct plans for a British bill of rights, The Times reports.

They subsequently refused to sign off the disclosure for months, causing the department to breach its statutory duties to respond to the request in a reasonable time, the paper said.

The law states that public bodies should respond to FOI requests within 20 working days.

The legislation was dropped after Dominic Raab, the former justice secretary, was forced to resign amid a slew of bullying allegations against him.

Dominic Raab will stand down as an MP at the next general election (James Manning/PA)
Dominic Raab will stand down as an MP at the next general election (James Manning/PA) (PA Wire)

Matt Mathers31 August 2023 12:10

ICYMI: Tories allowing fly-tippers to escape justice, says Labour

Labour has accused the government of turning a blind eye to the problem of fly-tipping, claiming that only 8 per cent of reported incidents lead to any form of punishment.

In the fiscal year 2021/22, 1,091,019 cases of fly-tipping were reported in England, yet only 91,013 fixed penalty notices were issued, as per the Labour analysis based on data from the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra).

This means 92 per cent of those responsible for illegal waste dumping have avoided punishment.

Martina Bet reports:

Tories allowing fly-tippers to escape justice, says Labour

Fly-tipping is an offence under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and can result in a warning, formal caution or prosecution.

Matt Mathers31 August 2023 11:56

Sunak ‘giving jobs to his friends’ - Labour

A shadow minister has accused Rishi Sunak of “giving jobs to his friends” as she claimed the government was still a “sinking ship” despite the prime minister’s cabinet reshuffle.

"It really doesn’t matter how many new jobs Rishi Sunak gives to his friends,”Emily Thornberry, Labour’s attorney general, told broadcasters in Westminster.

"It’s still just moving the deckchairs. They’re still a sinking ship."

She also said Grant Shapps was a "talented politician" and hopes he listens to the "experts” in the Ministry of Defence.

"I think that Grant Shapps is a talented politician, I wish him well, and I hope he listens to the advice of the experts who will be in the MoD," she told broadcasters.

Shadow attorney general Emily Thornberry
Shadow attorney general Emily Thornberry (PA Archive)
Matt Mathers31 August 2023 11:36

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