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Brexit news: EU getting ‘impatient’ over negotiations says Merkel, as talks enter crunch week

All the latest developments in UK politics

Chris Baynes,Adam Forrest,Samuel Osborne
Monday 30 November 2020 22:51 GMT
Brexit: Trade deal negotiations enter what could be final week

Boris Johnson’s government and EU officials have resumed crucial talks in London aimed at forging a post-Brexit trade deal, in what has been billed as the last “major” opportunity to avoid a no-deal crash-out at the end of December.

EU negotiator Michel Barnier is said to be offering to give the UK back 15 to 18 per cent of the quota European fleets currently take from British waters.

However, No 10 is thought to want 80 per cent returned to the UK – and reportedly views Brussels’ position as “wholly unacceptable”.

It comes as Germany’s chancellor chancellor Angela Merkel said time was now running very short to reach a deal, and some EU member states are growing impatient.

“A deal is in everyone’s interest,” she added.


Labour could suspend ‘thousands and thousands’ of members over antisemitism row

The Labour Party will suspend “thousands and thousands” of members unless they “get real” about antisemitism, Angela Rayner has warned.

The shadow minister’s comments an internal row continues to rage over the removal of the whip from ex-leader Jeremy Corbyn, reports Andy Gregory:

Chris Baynes30 November 2020 09:05

‘We really are running out of time’ on Brexit, says minister

The UK and EU “really are now running out of time” to clinch a trade deal, environment secretary George Eustice has admitted.

The minister told Kay Burley on Sky News this morning: “This is the crucial week, we need to get a breakthrough.” 

He echoed Dominic Raab in suggesting this could be the last full week or negotiations, but hinted that deadline would be flexible if progress was being made: “I really do think we are now in to the final week or 10 days. Of course if great progress were made this week and you're nearly there it's always possible to extend those negotiations.”

Adam Forrest30 November 2020 08:53

‘Last week or so’ of Brexit talks

Dominic Raab has said the UK and EU are in their “last week or so” of “substantive” talks over a post-Brexit trade deal.

The foreign secretary did the broadcast rounds yesterday and was keen to stress that the clock was ticking down on negotiations between Michel Barnier and Lord Frost’s teams.

Asked when the final deadline for a deal may he, said: "I'm a bit reticent to give an ultimate backstop because the goalposts sometimes shift on the EU side. But I think we're into the last week or so of substantive negotiations.”

And Mr Raab told the BBC the two sides were in the “last leg of negotiations,” adding this was likely to be the "last real major week". He claimed a resolution now hung on a "fairly narrow" set of issues, including fishing rights but there was “a deal to be done” if the EU showed “pragmatism”.

Barnier and Frost resumed face-to-face talks in London on Saturday after negotiations were paused earlier this month when one of the EU team tested positive for coronavirus. Barnier told reporters on Sunday that negotiations were an "ongoing process", adding: "Let us work, let us work."

Foreign secretary Dominic Raab
Foreign secretary Dominic Raab (AP)
Adam Forrest30 November 2020 08:30

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