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Brexit: Government to publish forecasts comparing May's deal with remaining in EU

Ashley Cowburn
Monday 19 November 2018 09:35 GMT
Theresa May on leadership dispute: 'a change of leadership isn't going to make the negotiations any easier'

MPs have forced the government to agree to publish analysis comparing the economic impact of Theresa May's Brexit deal with remaining the European Union.

Before MPs vote on Ms May's Brexit deal, the government will have to publish an analysis comparing the impact of the proposed agreement with the consequences of the alternative scenarios of a no-deal Brexit and remaining in the EU.

The cross-party amendment was backed by more than 70 MPs from six political parties, including enough Tory rebels to deprive Ms May of her majority.

Facing a certain defeat in the Commons, ministers caved and agreed to accept the motion.


Shehab.Khan19 November 2018 21:22

The Government has pledged to publish forecasts comparing Ms May's Brexit deal with remaining in the European Union.

Shehab.Khan19 November 2018 21:23
Shehab.Khan19 November 2018 22:23

Thank you for following The Independent's coverage of the day's politics events. 

Shehab.Khan19 November 2018 23:08

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