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Sycamore Gap tree – latest: Hadrian’s Wall damaged as National Trust flooded with offers of help

National Trust says it is ‘beginning discussions with stakeholders about future of site’

Matt Mathers,Tara Cobham
Friday 06 October 2023 05:05 BST
Sycamore Gap: 300-year-old tree stars in 90s classic Robin Hood movie before vandalism

Hadrian’s Wall has been damaged by the vandals who chopped down the Sycamore Gap tree, investigators have discovered.

Historic England said it found “some damage” had been caused to the 1,900-year-old wall, one of Britain’s best-known Unesco world heritage sites, in a preliminary inspection.

A spokesperson for the historical preservation body told The Independent: “While we identified that Hadrian’s Wall has sustained some damage, we have not been able to access the site to carry out a full investigation so a further archaeological appraisal will take place once the site is considered safe.

It comes as The National Trust, which manages the land in Northumberland where the iconic tree once stood, said it has been “overwhelmed” with thousands of messages of support and over 150 offers of help.

The charity told The Independent its immediate priority has been ensuring the safety of the tree and it is still working on plans for the safe removal of Sycamore Gap. But the spokesperson added that The National Trust is “beginning discussions with stakeholders about the future of the site”.

Police previously arrested a 16-year-old boy and a man, aged in his 60s, in connection with the incident. Both have since been released on bail.


Sycamore mourners can buy £60 memorabilia

As the felling of the Sycamore Gap tree has touched thousands of people across the UK, a spiritual clothing store as launched a clothing line to commemorate the fallen tree.

Wholistic Threads are selling a variety of hoodies and t-shirts in honour of the tree which all feature the Sycamore’s silhouette and text reading ‘Sycamore Gap’ or ‘The Spirt of the Sycamore’.

The designs come in a variety of sizes and colours including black, sunflower yellow and pink, and are priced between £14 and £60.

Fans can now wear designs in honour of the felled Sycamore Gap tree
Fans can now wear designs in honour of the felled Sycamore Gap tree (Wholistic Threads)
Lydia Patrick3 October 2023 13:20

Man ‘devastated’ after National Trust remove sapling he planted to replace Sycamore Gap

A man who planted a sapling near the Sycamore Gap tree says he is ‘devastated’ after it was removed - and has responded to those who have criticised him on social media.

Kieran Chapman, aged 27, planted the sapling next to the world-famous tree at Hadrian’s Wall in Northumberland on Friday. The old tree, thought to be around 300 years old, was illegally chopped down overnight last Wednesday.

But on Sunday, the National Trust removed Mr Chapman’s newly-planted sapling. A spokesperson said that by adding or altering the Unesco world heritage site, it could “damage the archaeology”, and was unlawful. Read the full story here

Man devastated after National Trust remove sapling he planted to replace Sycamore Gap

Kieran Chapman has also responded to those who have criticised his move to plant the sapling

Lydia Patrick3 October 2023 12:20

Officers vow to bring Sycamore slayer to justice

A full investigation has been launched after the Sycamore Gap Tree was felled overnight in what officers believe to be a deliberate act of vandalism.

The tree is a world-renowned landmark and the vandalism has caused shock and anger throughout the local community and beyond.

Superintendent Kevin Waring, of Northumbria Police, said: “This is an incredibly sad day. The tree was iconic to the North East and enjoyed by so many who live in or who have visited this region.

“As a Force, are fully committed to finding out the full circumstances and we will consider every tactic at our disposal in this investigation.

“Anyone found to have been responsible for this damage – which we believe to be a deliberate act of vandalism – can expect to be dealt with swiftly and appropriately.

“I would ask anyone who saw anything suspicious or knows anything that can assist our investigation to get in touch with us.”

Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner Kim McGuinness, said: “I’m devastated that the famous Sycamore is gone. That tree was ours. It was an iconic North East landmark standing tall in our beautiful Northumberland.

“I am incandescent that this looks like a deliberate act of vandalism. I’ll be raising this personally today.

“I know Northumbria Police are at the scene and officers will do their utmost to catch whoever is behind this. Terrible news.”

The scene of the Sycamore Gap felling
The scene of the Sycamore Gap felling (Getty Images)
Lydia Patrick3 October 2023 11:20

ICYMI: The Sycamore Gap Tree in pictures as nature lovers ‘shocked and saddened’ by felling

A tourist attraction, a film location and a symbol of hope - the felled Sycamore Gap tree was many things to many people.

The 300 year-old natural beauty was one of the most photographed trees in the country and an iconic sight next to Hadrian’s Wall in Northumberland. However, this week it was felled prompting an outpouring of anger and sorrow, from campaigners and the public alike.

Faiza Saqib reports:

The Sycamore Gap tree that stood tall for 300 years - in pictures

A natural beauty which will be remembered by many people across the country

Matt Mathers3 October 2023 11:00

New petition launched to serve justice for the Sycamore Gap

A passionate preservation activist has called for the ‘vandals’ behind the felling of the Sycamore to plant 10,000 trees in an online petition.

Kim Whitehouse laments the loss of the iconic Sycamore Gap tree which stood on Hadrian’s Wall and calls for tough measures to legally reprimand the culprits.

It is not yet clear who was responsible for the felling.

Northumbria Police are currently investigating the incident, they arrested a man aged in his 60s on Friday on suspicion of criminal damage but he has since been released, pending further inquiries.

A relative posted a picture of the retired lumberjack at home with his grandson as they denied his involvement in the felling.

A boy, 16, who was also arrested on suspicion of criminal damage on Thursday, was later released on bail.

On Sunday reports said officers seized a chainsaw near the site where the tree was cut down.

Ms Whitehouse said: “ Therefore to ensure meaningful restitution for their crime against nature and history, I recommend that each person involved in this heinous act commit to planting 10000 trees in the local community. This commitment will help restore some balance while fostering an appreciation for nature’s resilience among those responsible.By signing this petition today, you are joining me in demanding justice for the Sycamore Gap tree and advocating for a punishment that fits the crime. Together, we can send a powerful message that our historical landmarks and natural treasures must be protected at all costs.”

The petition aims to get 1,000 signatures and has received 774 supporters so far.

Forensic investigators from Northumbria Police examine the felled Sycamore Gap tree, on Hadrian’s Wall (Owen Humphreys/PA)
Forensic investigators from Northumbria Police examine the felled Sycamore Gap tree, on Hadrian’s Wall (Owen Humphreys/PA) (PA Wire)
Lydia Patrick3 October 2023 10:20

‘Minutes to cut down and centuries to grow back, if it ever does’, say experts

“Minutes to cut down and centuries to grow back, if it ever does,” is the devastating verdict of experts on the iconic Sycamore Gap tree after it was felled.

With police believing it to be a deliberate act of vandalism, the chainsaw-cutting down of the world-famous tree next to Hadrian’s Wall, in Northumberland, has triggered widespread outrage and sorrow.

Northumbria Police launched an investigation on Thursday after the majestic Sycamore Gap tree, thought to be around 300 years old, was cut down overnight. The force arrested a 16-year-old boy in connection with the incident but has since released him on bail.

A man in his sixties was arrested on Friday evening. He remains in police custody.

Sycamore Gap: ‘Minutes to cut down and centuries to grow back, if it ever does’

Experts say vandal likely had previous experience chopping down trees but is not a professional

Lydia Patrick3 October 2023 09:20

Everything we know about the felled Sycamore Gap tree

Who cut it down and can the Sycamore Gap tree be saved?

Those are the questions still at the forefront of the minds of tree lovers everywhere from Northumberland to Newquay some four days after the iconic maple was chopped down.

Distraught celebrities and politicians were among those to express their outrage at the felling of the “iconic” tree, described by police as a “deliberate act of vandalism”.

Here’s everything we know so far as officers continue to hunt for the culprit.

Read the full story here

Everything we know about the felled Sycamore Gap tree

Police continue to hunt culprit amid outpuring of grief over ‘debliberate act of vandalism’

Lydia Patrick3 October 2023 08:20

Watch: Nature expert calls for ‘sycamore gap forest’ to replace felled tree at Hadrian’s Wall

Nature expert calls for ‘sycamore gap forest’ to replace felled tree at Hadrian’s Wall
Andy Gregory3 October 2023 06:59

New shoots expected to grow from Sycamore Gap tree but it ‘won’t be same again’

New shoots are expected to grow from the world-famous Sycamore Gap tree but it will never be the same again, experts have said.

Rob Ternent, head gardener at The Alnwick Garden in Northumberland, said the tree will start growing again but “won’t ever be the same shape or as good of a tree as it was”.

He told the PA news agency: “It’s worth a try but I think livestock and wildlife will potentially damage it as well. It’ll be very difficult to get it back to the original tree.

“The growing season’s coming to an end now but by spring next year it will have some life in it. It’ll probably be about eight foot tall, but it’ll be lots of singular branches, more bushy.

“It was about 300 years old so it’ll take a long time to get back to that size. It’s a massive shame.”

Katie Dickinson has the story here:

New shoots expected to grow from Sycamore Gap tree but it ‘won’t be same again’

A 16-year-old boy arrested on suspicion of criminal damage over the felling of the tree has been released on bail pending further inquiries.

Andy Gregory3 October 2023 05:51

Watch: 300-year-old tree stars in 90s classic Robin Hood movie before vandalism

Sycamore Gap: 300-year-old tree stars in 90s classic Robin Hood movie before vandalism
Andy Gregory3 October 2023 04:42

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