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Hounslow fire: Three children among five dead in deadly west London house blaze

Police keeping ‘open mind’ as to cause of deadly fire

Maryam Zakir-Hussain,Barney Davis
Monday 13 November 2023 16:26 GMT
Hounslow fire: Five people killed and one missing in West London blaze

Three children are among five killed as one adult remains unaccounted for after a horror house fire in west London, police confirmed.

The blaze took hold in Channel Close, Hounslow at 10.26pm Sunday night, and on Monday morning the fire service confirmed there had been a number of fatalities.

Three children, their mother Seema Ratra and another adult houseguest from the same family are all feared dead.

The father Aroen Kishen is believed to have escaped the home and was seen by neighbours screaming “my kids, my kids” after the fire.

Devastated cousins of the victims held back tears and were too traumatised to speak the morning after the deadly blaze.

Police told a press conference this afternoon: “We believe that three of those who died are children and there is at least one other person, an adult, who remains unaccounted for.”

They added that they have an “open mind as to the cause of the fire” as he asked the public not to add to speculation.


London’s Air Ambulance attended fire

London’s Air Ambulance was dispatched to Channel Close on Sunday night and LAS treated two people on scene, the service wrote on X.

Maryam Zakir-Hussain13 November 2023 11:37

Man screamed ‘my kids, my kids’ as fire ripped through house

A “devastated” neighbour said she saw a man, believed to be the dad, screaming “my kids, my kids” after the fire.

Felica Matei, 29, a jeweller, told the Evening Standard: “We saw the man who lived there with his wife and children. My daughter used to play with his daughter. There was fire in him and he was screaming something like ‘my kids, my kids’.

She added that the family has been doing fireworks earlier in the evening for Diwali but she believes the blaze had “nothing to do with that as it was earlier than the fire”.

Adelin Matei, Ms Matei’s partner, said: “They moved here from Belgium. They are a lovely family. They had Christmas lights around the front door. I don’t know whether the fire had anything to do with it. There was smoke in our house.”

Maryam Zakir-Hussain13 November 2023 10:59

Officers investigating cause of the fire

Chief Superintendent Sean Wilson, responsible for policing in Hounslow, said: “My thoughts are with the loved ones of those who very sadly lost their lives in this tragic incident.

“I don’t underestimate the impact that this will have on the wider community and beyond. I understand that there will be a demand for answers and my officers are working to establish exactly what has happened.”

Maryam Zakir-Hussain13 November 2023 10:30

One man in hospital after escaping fire

The Met Police said one man left the burning house prior to the arrival of emergency services.

The force said he was taken to hospital by LAS, and his injuries are not believed to be life-threatening.

Maryam Zakir-Hussain13 November 2023 10:28

‘Children among fatalities,’ MP Ruth Cadbury, whose constituency includes Hounslow, says

Labour MP Ruth Cadbury, whose constituency includes Hounslow, said children were among the fatalities.

She wrote on X: “I am devastated to learn this morning that 5 people, including children, died in a fire in a house in Hounslow last night.

“My thoughts are with their family, friends neighbours.”

Maryam Zakir-Hussain13 November 2023 10:26

Hounslow fire: Five people killed and one missing in horror blaze in west London

Five people have been killed and one is left missing after a horror house fire in west London.

The blaze took hold in Channel Close, Hounslow at 10.26pm Sunday night, and on Monday morning the fire service confirmed there had been a number of fatalities.

London Fire Commissioner Andy Roe said: “This is a terribly sad incident and the thoughts of all of us at London Fire Brigade are with the family, friends and all those affected at this difficult time.”

Five people killed and one missing in horror house fire in London

Seventy fire fighters tackled blaze in Channel Close, Hounslow

Maryam Zakir-Hussain13 November 2023 10:24

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