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Love Island catch up: Biggest talking points, from Anna and Jordan to Maura and Curtis

Joanna confronted Amber and Michael after believing a rumour that they might reconcile, while Anna finally admitted she wants to be with Jordan

Roisin O'Connor
Sunday 07 July 2019 19:00 BST
Craig David jokes about finding romance on Love Island ahead of DJ set

Tonight's episode of Love Island was a celebrity special, with Craig David treating the Islanders to one of his legendary DJ sets and Amy Schumer sending a special message to the contestants via Aftersun.

However, even Craig David wasn't enough to keep Joanna, Amber and Michael from snarling at one another, as Joanna wondered if Michael was having second thoughts after dumping Amber to recouple with her.

Here are the biggest talking points from the latest episode:

Anna and Jordan are a thing again

After dithering for what seemed like an entire year, Anna finally admitted (kind of) that she wanted to get back together with Jordan. Ovie wasn't too impressed, and didn't make a great impression of himself when he walked away from a conversation with Anna before telling Jordan: "You can have her." "I'm not a piece of meat to be passed back and forth," Anna later told him, to the cheers of Love Island viewers and guilty feminists everywhere.

A brutal double dumping took place

In one of the most excruciating scenes of the series so far, Maura and Lucie decided it would be a great idea to dump their respective partners, Marvin and George, at the same time. Marvin and George were not impressed, but to be honest they don't really add anything to the show anyway, so who cares.

Maura has told Curtis she fancies him

While a devastated Amy looked on, Maura made her move on Curtis after deciding she fancied him. This was after failing to make him clock on that she liked him via dance lessons and very obvious flirting. Not the brightest bulb in the tanning bed, is he?

Craig David performed!

In a genuinely great moment, Craig David just randomly rocked up to the villa (we knew he was going to, obviously) to perform a DJ set for the Islanders. Admittedly they were weirdly positioned about 50 feet away from where he was performing, but maybe that was so they could get the right camera angles or something. Anyway, it looked like fun.

The liveblog is now closed


So they're all getting dressed up again for... another party?

roisin.oconnor7 July 2019 21:50

So Joanna is about to confront Amber and Michael at the same time.

roisin.oconnor7 July 2019 21:51


roisin.oconnor7 July 2019 21:52

Michael is about to scream at both of them: YOU'RE SO CHILDISH

roisin.oconnor7 July 2019 21:53

If you're wondering which song is playing, it's "Deliverance" by the wonderful Rationale

roisin.oconnor7 July 2019 21:54

I can't believe Curtis just told Maura to 'smile' like a patronising bastard, and she's still going for him. Maura, this is not your best moment. Curtis looks so chuffed at hearing Maura has feelings for him, it's gross.

roisin.oconnor7 July 2019 21:57

Anyway, so that's all out in the open, Amy is still heartbroken, Maura and Curtis are grinning like idiots at one another, Anna and Jordan are back together meaning Ovie is now single (Amber, get in there) and there's a bizarre love triangle between Joanna, Amber and Michael even though none of them seem to like each other. Oh, and Lucie, George and Marvin are all single as well. THANK YOU AND GOOD NIGHT.

roisin.oconnor7 July 2019 22:00

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