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Jak Jones vs Kyren Wilson LIVE: World Snooker Championship final score and result as Wilson wins first title

Jak Jones battled back but eventually fell short as Kyren Wilson won the final at the Crucible and claimed his first world title

Lawrence Ostlere
Monday 06 May 2024 22:51 BST
Man bites young boy's ear live on air at World Snooker Championship

Kyren Wilson survived a stirring fightback from qualifier Jak Jones to win the world snooker title for the first time at the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield.

Wilson struggled to contain his emotions as he wrapped up an 18-14 triumph over Jones, who fought valiantly after losing the first seven frames of the final, and reeled off three frames in a row from 17-11 to give himself some hope of an improbable revival.

Victory sealed a timely return to form for Wilson, who had arrived for his 10th tilt at the title on the back of his worst campaign in a decade, a solitary semi-final at the German Masters put into perspective by illness and injury afflicting his young family.

But he was made to work overtime by Jones, who looked down and out after losing the first seven frames, but staged a remarkable comeback and even threatened a maximum in the 30th frame before running aground after potting the first 12 reds and blacks.

Jones said at the presentation ceremony: “Congratulations to Kyren and his family, they deserve it. If anyone deserves it he does, so congratulations to them.

“It’s been an unbelievable tournament for me. About a month ago I was in my first qualifying match. It’s been a long month but I’m happy with it.

“I wouldn’t say (I came in) with a lot of hope. I just thought if I try my best, basically, see what happens. But when you’re playing someone as solid as Kyren, with such a good all-round game, it’s going to be hard to come back from a deficit like that so it wasn’t to be.”


World Snooker Championship 2024 prize money: How much do players earn at Crucible?

Kyren Wilson and Jak Jones face off on the final day of the World Snooker Championship 2024 today.

The pair will be eager to write their names into the history books at the Crucible in what has been an unpredictable tournament this year with plenty of upsets. Wilson carried a five-frame lead into Monday in the race to 18 frames.

But Jones has proven to be a fierce competitor and able to grind out victories from difficult positions, leaving the final delicately poised with one session remaining.

What is the World Snooker Championship 2024 prize money?

Everything you need to know about the 2024 prize money with Kyren Wilson and Jak Jones battling it out for glory at the Crucible

Mike Jones6 May 2024 16:25

Jak Jones 10-15 Kyren Wilson - World Snooker Championship 2024 final

The World Snooker Championship final will resume later this evening with coverage commencing on BBC Two at 7pm. There will be a maximum of 10 frames played and that is providing Jak Jones wins eight and Kyren Wilson just two of them.

A more likely scenario is that Wilson secures the three frames he needs to win the title with Jones putting up a valiant but ultimately unsuccessful fightback.

Still you never know how these tense matches will play out until they do.

Mike Jones6 May 2024 16:14

Jak Jones 10-15 Kyren Wilson - World Snooker Championship 2024 final

Jak Jones has spent over 53 hours at the table during his run to the World Snooker Championship final. That’s two days-plus a bit extra at the table since 14 April when he started in the qualifiers, playing seven matches.

In contrast Kyren Wilson has had 31 hours in his campaign.

Mike Jones6 May 2024 16:13

Jak Jones 10-15 Kyren Wilson - World Snooker Championship 2024 final

1991 world champion, John Parrott, gives his reaction to the afternoon session: “The pair of them are running on fumes.

“You can’t think straight and your concentration levels are gone. Kyren has to play one frame at a time and forget the scoreboard.”

Mike Jones6 May 2024 16:09

Jak Jones 10-15 Kyren Wilson - World Snooker Championship 2024 final

Six-time world champion, Steve Davis, on BBC Two:

“Both of them are on the floor. You count to 10 and who can get up before the 10. They’ve been really, really nervous. You can feel for both of them but somebody has to make the last mistake.”

Mike Jones6 May 2024 16:05

Jak Jones 10-15 Kyren Wilson - World Snooker Championship 2024 final

Stephen Hendry, seven-time world champion, speaking on BBC Two: “The last couple of frames Jak Jones has maybe succumbed to the Crucible pressure.”

Mike Jones6 May 2024 16:01

Jak Jones 10-15 Kyren Wilson - World Snooker Championship 2024 final

Kyren Wilson did what he had to do in that session. Twice Jak Jones won two frames in a row and twice Wilson responded by taking the next two.

Both players won four frames in the afternoon session meaning that Wilson needs just three more to win the title. In contrast Jak Jones must claim eight this evening and limit Wilson to just two.

It’s a mammoth task for the Welshman and all the money is with Wilson now.

Mike Jones6 May 2024 15:58

Jak Jones 10-15 Kyren Wilson - World Snooker Championship 2024 final

Jones doesn’t take the opportunity! He tries to position himself for later in the break and set the remaining reds up for easier pots.

In doing so he misses an easy pot on the yellow to the middle right pocket and Wilson has the easiest of jobs to do to tidy up the frame from here.

A quick break sees him win it 81-9 and he’ll head into the evening session with a lead of five frames.

Mike Jones6 May 2024 15:55

Jak Jones 10-14 Kyren Wilson - World Snooker Championship 2024 final

Oh Kyren! He just can’t get this frame over the line. Despite notching up 54 points, a lead of 52, he misses a simple pot and leaves Jones with a wonderful opportunity to get back into the match.

There are 67 points remaining and Jones will need most of them to clinch the frame. Can he do it?

Mike Jones6 May 2024 15:55

Jak Jones 10-14 Kyren Wilson - World Snooker Championship 2024 final

Wilson manages to open up a lead of 31 before he needs to leave the cueball safe. Jones’ response leaves him with a potential pot but it’s a thin cut to the bottom left that’s not a guarantee.

Wilson takes it on and misses!

Jones then takes on a long pot of his own to the same pocket and gets it to drop. Chance for him now...

... chance over. He plays for the black to the bottom right but hits it all wrong and doesn’t come close to potting it. Jones only scores one from his latest trip to the table.

Advantage Wilson.

Mike Jones6 May 2024 15:48

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