Letter: Proud to be provincial

Dr Michael Halls
Monday 09 March 1998 00:02 GMT

STEREOTYPING is something of a problem, and so is parochialism; in fact the two often go together. But surely not - good grief - in The Independent.

Is Vanessa Thorpe's corner of London really so very parochial that she believes "the homosexual community" has reacted with "shock and anger" to the statement by Ian Tucker [former acting editor of the gay magazine Attitude who says he is now straight]? (Article, 3 March) What a tabloid stereotype her local homosexual community must be. In the interests of good journalism, she might consider building up a more representative circle of acquaintances.

In fact, no idea cuts quite so unpleasantly close to the moral bone for lesbian, gay and bisexual people as the idea of putting social pressure on anyone to deny or deform their sexuality.

Outside Ms Thorpe's gated village, too many members of the real, national, homosexual community are being ground through exactly that mill. We've seen the damage, helped mop up the blood, and, all too often, borrowed each other's clothes for the funerals. Lovely little town, London - I'm immensely fond of being there - but my dear, those horizons! Would The Independent consider moving out of that beautiful tower-block, just for a few months - to Exeter, say? Manchester? Glasgow? Believe me, it's not just the homosexual community that looks strangely different from out here.


Christow, Devon

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