Melanie Phillips' rather odd reaction to Obama's win


Laura Davis
Thursday 08 November 2012 12:32 GMT
(Getty Images)

Twitter is going crazy for Daily Mail columnist Melanie Phillips' response to Barack Obama's win.

In her personal blog, she writes a rather controversial piece stating that the greatest satisfaction of the election result is felt by the "gloating, drooling decadents of the western left" media: "who are no longer objective observers but have turned instead into corrupt partisans who ruthlessly censored the truth about Obama and helped peddle his demonising propaganda about his opponent."

In her rather angry rant, she continues to write:

"Four years ago, America put into the White House a sulky narcissist with an unbroken history of involvement in thuggish, corrupt, far-left, black power, Jew-bashing, west-hating politics."

Warning of Obama leading America into a "terrifying darkness".

Some responses to her post on Twitter include:


I think Melanie Phillips needs a big hug. It's clearly been a rough few days. Poor dear.


Melanie Phillips is AMAYZING! When did the loony right get so.... mental? Have they always been this mad?


I always enjoy a mad Melanie Phillips rant. Today is no exception

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