Beam me up, Scotty: Swedish couple boldly take part in UK's first ever Klingon wedding at Star Trek convention


Sunday 21 October 2012 12:51 BST
(Getty Images)

Swedish couple Jossie Sockertopp and Sonnie Gustavsson have tied the knot in a Klingon wedding at the 'Destination Star Trek London' convention.

The three-day convention, which opened today, will be attended by all fives actors who played captains throughout the 46 year-old series.

It's the first official Star Trek convention in Britain for more than 10 years, so it's exciting times for superfans.

The couple exchanged vows, swearing to unite against all their opponents. His bride was unsure of the theme at first, but was eventually persuaded.

"I hadn't seen Star Trek until I met him. He introduced me to it and it was really good," she said.

"The ceremony was his idea. I thought about it a lot and then I said 'let's do it'.

"It's a once in a life time thing."

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