
Patience with Netanyahu is running out. Can his government survive?

The Israeli prime minister is facing resignations from his war cabinet over his strategy in Gaza, writes Kim Sengupta. Will his political future be left in the hands of far-right extremists?

Sunday 19 May 2024 15:25 BST
Netanyahu has been accused of prolonging the war to preserve his own skin
Netanyahu has been accused of prolonging the war to preserve his own skin (AP)

The future of Israel’s government, made up of adversaries as well as allies, is hanging by a thread after two of its most senior members made scathing attacks on Benjamin Netanyahu and issued him with an ultimatum.

The disparate emergency coalition, which was brought together in the shock of the Hamas attack on 7 October, has been fraying fast as the war enters its eighth month, and patience with the highly divisive prime minister appears to be running out.

Two of the three ministers who make up the country’s inner war cabinet alongside Netanyahu – opposition leader Benny Gantz and defence minister Yoav Gallant – have launched salvos within the space of 48 hours over the prime minister’s unwillingness to agree to anything resembling a “day after” plan for Gaza once the conflict ends.

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