Scandals like Oxfam in Haiti will continue without a regulator that has sharper teeth

The Charity Commission as it stands is woefully underpowered to properly oversee the propriety of thousands of charities

Tuesday 11 June 2019 20:14 BST
Oxfam's head of safeguarding: In one instance 'a woman had been coerced to have sex in exchange for aid'

Even after everything that has been learnt about the culture of sexual exploitation that seems to have infected almost every British institution in recent decades – from the BBC to the churches; political parties; parliament; local authorities; the police; the NHS; the armed forces; and private companies – the revelations about Oxfam remain especially shocking.

This after all is an institution that was, until relatively recently, an unimpeachable source of assistance and support for those in need, especially after natural disasters and war. It enjoyed global respect. That it has now had its reputation trashed and received an official reprimand by the Charity Commission is a matter for profound shame for all concerned.

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