Leading article: A welcome move to take on whiplash claims

Wednesday 15 February 2012 01:00 GMT

The most cursory glance at the statistics for whiplash injuries is enough to raise suspicions. There are now more than 1,500 insurance claims for whiplash every day. Indeed, claims have gone up by a third in recent years, even as accident rates have dropped, adding around £90 to ballooning car insurance premiums.

Some of the blame lies with unscrupulous motorists, some with ambulance-chasing lawyers, some with third parties such as garages selling on the details of crashes. More importantly, however, there is no shortage of potential remedies. Capping lawyers' fees for low-value personal injury claims is one. A minimum driving speed for whiplash claims is another.

The Prime Minister is using the issue to prove his concern with ever-rising household expenses. No matter. So long as his "whiplash summit" at Downing Street produces effective reforms, it is to be applauded – regardless of the politics.

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