Queen Elizabeth II: I would like to declare my resolve to continue to serve the people of this great nation

From an address by the sovereign to both Houses of Parliament

Wednesday 01 May 2002 00:00 BST

It is right that the first major event to mark my Golden Jubilee this summer is here in the Palace of Westminster. I would like to pay tribute to the work you do in this, the Mother of Parliaments – where you, like so many famous predecessors before you, have assembled to confront the issues of the day, to challenge each other and address differences through debate and discussion, and to play your essential part in guiding this kingdom through the changing times of the past 50 years.

For if a jubilee becomes a moment to define an age, then for me we must speak of change – its breadth and accelerating pace over these years. Since 1952 I have witnessed the transformation of the international landscape through which this country must chart its course, the emergence of the Commonwealth, the growth of the European Union, the end of the Cold War, and now the dark threat of international terrorism. This has been matched by no less rapid developments at home, in the devolved shape of our nation, in the structure of society, in technology and communications, in our work and in the way we live.

We in these islands have the benefit of a long and proud history. This not only gives us a trusted framework of stability and continuity to ease the process of change, but it also tells us what is of lasting value. Only the passage of time can filter out the ephemeral from the enduring. And what endures is the characteristics that mark our identity as a nation and the values that guide us. These find expression in our national institutions – including the monarchy and Parliament – which in turn must continue to evolve if they are to provide beacons of trust and unity to succeeding generations.

I believe that many of the traditional values etched across our history equip us well for this age of change. We are a moderate, pragmatic people, more comfortable with practice than theory. With an off-shore, seafaring tradition, we are outward-looking and open-minded. We are inventive and creative – think of the record of British inventions over the past 50 years, or our present thriving arts scene. We take pride in our tradition of fairness and tolerance – the consolidation of our richly multicultural and multifaith society is being achieved remarkably peacefully and with much goodwill.

As I travel the length and breadth of these islands over these coming weeks, I would like to thank people everywhere for the loyalty, support, and inspiration you have given me over these 50 unforgettable years. I would like to express my pride in our past and my confidence in our future. I would like above all to declare my resolve to continue, with the support of my family, to serve the people of this great nation of ours to the best of my ability through the changing times ahead.

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