If the EU wants to deny Greece its democratic integrity it’s asking for even more trouble

I hope Syriza and Alexis Tsipras stick to their guns

Nigel Farage
Thursday 12 February 2015 19:00 GMT
Alexis Tsipras addresses the Greek parliament ahead of EU meetings this week
Alexis Tsipras addresses the Greek parliament ahead of EU meetings this week (EPA)

The Chinese and the Russians will be rubbing their hands with glee as the European Union’s cheerleaders and commissars continue down their path in undermining Greek democracy, terrified that the Eurozone project, and indeed the entire future of the European Union, is about to come crashing down around them.

Earlier this week, Jean Claude Juncker made it very clear that democracy, and the idea of self-governing nations, are not compatible with the aims of the Eurozone. So there you have it. If you’re supportive of the rights of national, representative democracies, then you are in the way of the ambitions of the European Union, and they will, like they have done with Greece, Spain, Ireland, Portugal and Italy – attempt to bulldoze you.

Syriza was elected against a backdrop of anti-European austerity measures. At first, when I saw the new prime minister take office, I feared that the party might not have the wherewithal to withstand the German-led political onslaught. But when I saw the new Greek Finance Minister rock up to Downing Street to meet George Osborne, in his bomber jacket, with his shirt hanging out of his trousers, I thought to myself, “Well maybe they’re not going to go mainstream after all!” It made me laugh actually. He looked like a pretty happy, off-duty, nightclub bouncer – and with the big fight ahead of him, it might be best that he did.

“Elections change nothing,” said the German Finance Minister this week. The other European Union member states, barring the deeply affected Southern European countries, have nodded along in agreement – presumably pretty scared of deviating from the European Central Bank’s line. But I saw, in the parliament chamber in Strasbourg this week, a distinct change in the atmosphere. The “debates” this week were stunted. People looked worried – perhaps because everything they’d been taught to believe about the validity and sanctity of the Euro is being pulled out from under them, and by one of the smallest member states.

I hope Syriza does indeed stick to its guns. Not just because it would hasten the end of the Euro, and perhaps prompt a greater debate about a British exit, but actually because the people of Greece have been suffering for so long, and the country has no means by which to handle the crisis. It no longer has a free floating currency, it no longer – if you believe the German Finance Minister – has a democracy that makes any difference.

Yes, the great game of poker is well under way. We have the EU institutions. And however much my warnings over the years may have upset people, when I said the EU would crush the long-established democracies of the continent, I think the behaviour of the key players since the Greek elections justifies everything I said.

And Mr Juncker was not even there when I sat in my seat in the front row in Strasbourg on Wednesday. I thought it was a great shame, because I really, genuinely, wanted to see what he thought about the current situation. Perhaps he was busy pulling his Euros out of Greece. I’ve no idea. But I think it sends a message that in one of the most important weeks in Strasbourg in a long time – he was a no show.

You don't have to be an expert in linguistics to realise what's been going on for the past 24 hours either. Mr Tsipras continues to talk about the need to end austerity, while his party vows to no longer bow to the demands of the “troika” of the International Monetary Funded, the European Central Bank, and the European Commission. All this while failing to agree a joint statement: perhaps one of the most simple things to do, if you just say, “We're working on it”.

But for moment, it's stalemate. I have a feeling, or maybe it's just a wish, that the anti-democratic, EU apparatchiks, are in for the shock of their lives.

People don't want negativity, they want solutions

I told an audience in Castle Point in Essex yesterday that we, as a nation, had to start believing in ourselves again. I know from speaking to real people, day after day after day, that already, only six weeks after this election campaign began in earnest, that everyone is sick of the persistent negativity, the American-style attack tactics, the artillery fire of nastiness. They want ideas. They want solutions. But most importantly they want change.

Truly, I believe that Ukip is now the party for real change in Britain. I believe that this election is not going to be like any other, and I believe that when people cast their votes, they should think about trusting the party that trusts them as Britons. Britain wants change. Ukip believes in Britain.

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