Brexit has made the UK miserable enough – there’s no use in bringing that divisiveness to Twitter too

The social media platform has turned into the digital equivalent of a toxic family on Boxing Day – and it doesn’t take much for the whole thing to blow

Jenny Eclair
Monday 02 September 2019 17:16 BST
How could a no-deal Brexit be stopped?

Last Friday was apparently “Positive Twitter Day” with even the likes of Julia Hartley-Brewer, aka one of Greta Thunberg’s many adult antagonists, tweeting a picture of a sunrise before she cracked under the strain and resumed normal slagging-everyone-off service. Typically, I missed this 24-hour window of sweetness and light. I was off Twitter at the time, possibly because so much scorn has been poured on my head for tweeting “I’m really disappointed in the Queen” in a sort of tongue-in-cheek reaction to her granting Boris Johnson permission to prorogue parliament a couple of days before.

Yes, I know NOW she didn’t have a choice, but up until what shall now be known as the official Twitter “prorogue day”, I didn’t really know what it meant. But as soon as I tweeted my naive reaction to Her Majesty giving the go ahead, the Twitter floodgates opened and suddenly many, many people on my Twitter timeline were instant experts in the fine art of proroguing, a word which to me still sounds like something unseemly one might do to a pig.

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