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230721-new Lib Dem Mp Admits She 'Doesn't Know Anything' In Excruciating Resurfaced Interview-


Sarah Dyke: New Lib Dem MP admits she ‘doesn’t know anything’ in excruciating resurfaced interview

New Liberal Democrat MP Sarah Dyke admitted that she “doesn’t know anything” as she was unable to answer questions about her constituency during an interview.

The Somerton and Frome MP overturned a 19,000 Tory majority in Thursday’s (20 July) by election.

Speaking to The Guardian’sPolitics Weekly podcast for an episode in June, Ms Dyke stumbled when asked about deprivation in her constituency before appearing to blame the pause on drinking coffee too quickly.

“What do you want to know, something that’s a subject that I don’t know anything about?” the MP said.

After the interview was published, Ms Frome tweeted: “My passion and desire to do this job got the better of me.”

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