Ask Simon Calder

Why does my train trip cost more than a Malaga flight?

Simon Calder on expensive rail tickets, passports to Kenya, US border control and the Swiss capital

Friday 14 July 2023 17:05 BST
The route from Ayrshire to Liverpool involves three train operators including ScotRail
The route from Ayrshire to Liverpool involves three train operators including ScotRail (Getty)

Q I am looking at a trip from Ayrshire to Liverpool in October. How come it costs £110 to get from Kilmarnock to Liverpool when a flight from the Ayrshire airport of Prestwick to Malaga is only £25?

Chris W

A I imagine the quote you have obtained for the 220-mile trip is the £110 standard “walk-up” fare (ie what you would pay immediately before departure) because no advance tickets are on sale yet for that day. If you try again in a couple of months the fare should fall sharply. On 10 August, for example, the cheapest rail ticket from Kilmarnock to Liverpool is just £14.20 – and, with a railcard, that comes down to less than a tenner. Four weeks from now, it’s £22.60. Even travelling tomorrow morning, the fare is £40.

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