Students ‘campaigning for LGBT-only accommodation’ at UK universities

Birmingham University first to offer first-year undergraduates 'LGBT housing option'

Aftab Ali
Student Editor
Tuesday 17 May 2016 15:05 BST

Student campaigners in the UK are reportedly calling for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans-only (LGBT) halls of residence to “avoid any risk of victimisation by straight flatmates.”

The claim has come to light following a report from The Sunday Times which says critics of the move have cautioned how, if successful, it “risks ghettoising gay people.”

Currently in Britain, Birmingham University is the only one to offer first-year undergraduates an “LGBT housing option” when applying for accommodation so they don’t have to share rooms with heterosexuals.

According to MailOnline, transgender student at the University of York, Ashley Reed, is submitting plans for separate LGBT accommodation, and wrote on Facebook: “[I feel] so persecuted at York, just because I’m trans and disabled.”

However, president of the York University Students’ Union (YUSU), Ben Leatham, told the Independent the student was misrepresented and was running no such campaign” at the institution.

Although The Sunday Times reports the students’ union (SU) at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) is campaigning for LGBT-only housing, a statement from union president, Josie Linsel, has refuted the claims.

She said: “An idea relating to housing for LGBT students was proposed by a student, but only generated 20 votes in favour - not enough to be debated or created as policy by students’ council.

“Therefore, the students’ union currently has no plans to campaign for LGBT-specific accommodation.”

Despite the decision, the SU emphasised how it - along with the university - is working to encourage “a supportive environment” for all students, regardless of sexual orientation, race, disability, gender, or nationality.

The campaigning comes amid reports the LGBT branch of the National Union of Students (NUS) is creating guidance on LGBT-only accommodation, using case studies from institutions in the US which have already implemented the move.

In March, the NUS LGBT+ Conference debated and passed a motion which believed LGBT+ students “may feel safer” in housing in which all or most of the inhabitants are LGBT+ as they are “able to live without the threat of discrimination and are able to be themselves.”

The motion resolved to support the establishment of student housing cooperatives and produce a toolkit for setting up LGBT+ housing cooperatives.

However, spokesperson for UK LGBT campaigner, Stonewall, said: “We’re working towards a world where everyone can be accepted without exception, wherever they live, work, shop, and pray. These initiatives may address the problems LGBT people face in the short-term.

“However, ensuring everyone is free to be themselves in whatever context is not just about creating specific safe-spaces. It’s about creating a culture that is inclusive and accepting.”

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