GCSE exam results: The top 10 best performing GCSEs of 2015

Languages have proven to be a big-hit this year

Aftab Ali
Thursday 20 August 2015 12:18 BST

Exam results season is all but over for another year as hundreds of thousands of high school pupils from across England, Wales, and Northern Ireland eagerly tear open their GCSE exam results before answering that all-important question: What will I do now?

Making reference to the news this morning, director general of the Joint Council for Qualifications, Michael Turner, said: “Congratulations to students up and down the country who have received their results today, and good luck for whichever pathway they choose to continue their education.”

But as C-grades rose on last year and A*s fell for the fourth year in a row, here are the top ten best performing GCSE exams of 2015:

With Classical Studies taking the top spot – with subjects including classical civilisations, Latin, classical Greek, ancient history, and Biblical Hebrew – Other Modern Languages came a close second with Mandarin proving popular.

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