St. Kitts and Nevis 'national hero' Kim Collins sent home from London 2012 for 'not abandoning wife'


Saturday 04 August 2012 18:15 BST
Kim Collins says he will never run for his country again, after being pulled out of the competition for visiting his wife. He said: 'I've been disrespected for too long for too many years.'
Kim Collins says he will never run for his country again, after being pulled out of the competition for visiting his wife. He said: 'I've been disrespected for too long for too many years.' (AFP)

Kim Collins was on his way home today after the St Kitts and Nevis Olympic federation pulled their greatest athlete out of the London 2012 Games as punishment for visiting his wife at a hotel.

The 36-year-old, who won the World Championship 100 metres title in 2003, was notable only by his absence from the seventh heat of the short sprint this lunchtime.

A furious Collins said he would never again run for his country, a small Caribbean nation, and complained he had been shown a lack of respect.

"I could be wrong but I don't see why it should be such a problem," Collins said.

"I would have better luck if I went out with some chick and came back and there wouldn't be a bit of a problem.

"I honestly don't see what is the big deal.

"I'm a grown man with kids, about to have grandkids."

Collins will not be hanging around in London for the 200m and sprint relay, having had the chance to race in the 100m wrenched away from him.

"I'm about to go and change my flight and go home," he told BBC Radio Five Live, "and see my kids who I haven't seen for a while.

"For me it's a done deal.

"I've been disrespected for too long for too many years."

The opening ceremony flag-bearer for his country was apparently expected by his national federation not to leave the Olympic Village.

"I can't stay here," he added. "I did not come to London to watch the 100m final on TV.

"I've got to go home. What am I supposed to do here? Act like a tourist? No.

"Do you know how many mornings I wake up, I could be in bed with my wife but I'm off training and winning, whenever, wherever, for this?

"I earned my right to be here.

"They're asking me to abandon my wife for my team. It's not going to happen."

Collins revealed he could not even access the Olympic Village today.

"I'm not walking away. When I came to the Village I could not get into the Village," he said.

"My pass, my accreditation, was cancelled

"I'm not walking away, I've been pushed out."


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