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The Open 2018 - as it happened: Francesco Molinari wins first-ever Major title

All the action from the final round at Carnoustie

Harry Latham-Coyle
Sunday 22 July 2018 19:30 BST
The Open Championship in numbers

Francesco Molinari became the first Italian player to win a major title after one of the most dramatic final rounds in Open Championship history.

Molinari, who had two wins and two second places in his previous five starts this season, carded a nerveless closing 69 at a windswept Carnoustie to finish eight under par, two shots clear of Justin Rose, Rory McIlroy, Kevin Kisner and Xander Schauffele.

Playing alongside a rejuvenated Tiger Woods, Molinari followed 13 straight pars with a birdie on the 14th and finished a brilliant round in fitting style with another from just three feet on the 18th.

Here's how it played out:

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Jordan Spieth bogeys the 15th

That might be it for the defending champion.

His par putt slides past the hole. A second bogey to go with his double on the sixth and Spieth (who started the day -9) is -5 and two off the lead.

Harry Latham-Coyle22 July 2018 18:15

Schauffele retains co-lead

A vital save from Xander Schauffele after a brilliant putt from out the back.

Molinari misses his birdie chance and heads to the 18th on -7. Schauffele has three tough holes to play.

Harry Latham-Coyle22 July 2018 18:17

Perfect tee shot from Xander Schauffele

Straight and low, the ball rolls past the flag and leaves the co-leader a downhill putt into the wind for a birdie two on the 16th. 

Jordan Spieth is nowhere, barely creeping on to the front right of the green. More chance of bogey than birdie.

Harry Latham-Coyle22 July 2018 18:20

A long and accurate drive from Francesco Molinari, who for the first time all weekend looks a little apprehensive. It ends up in the semi-rough on the right-hand side. A short club is all that's left.

Tiger Woods has to deal with a mid-swing heckler, but fortunately the ball scoots to a similar position and avoids trouble. Both players and plenty of fans vocalise their abhorrence to the miscreant. No place for that.

Harry Latham-Coyle22 July 2018 18:25

Schauffele can't take his chance

It didn't move. He starts it left, it stays left and rolls a couple of feet past.

He stays level with Molinari.

Harry Latham-Coyle22 July 2018 18:27

Magnificent Molinari

It is a great shot from Tiger Woods on to the 18th green, but Francesco Molinari's is even better.

From the semi-rough it is no more than a clipped wedge that pitches and trundles on for a couple of bounces, before spinning and finishing about six feet from the hole.

Harry Latham-Coyle22 July 2018 18:29

Woods is about a foot further away.

And that is a poor way to finish. A bad miss, but a par, a 71 and -5.

The best we have seen Tiger Woods play for a long time, and he is a major contender again.

Harry Latham-Coyle22 July 2018 18:31


Francesco Molinari has looked so calm all day and he confidently finds the centre of the cup.

16 pars, two birdies. A 69 takes the clubhouse lead at -8 and moves him one clear of Xander Schauffele.

Will Francesco Molinari become the first Italian to win a major championship?

Harry Latham-Coyle22 July 2018 18:34

What a round!

With Tiger Woods drawing all the attention alongside him, Francesco Molinari played a faultless round, making countless tricky par putts, finding birdies at the par-five 14th and on 18 to perhaps win The 147th Open...

Harry Latham-Coyle22 July 2018 18:37

​And it looks like Molinari's now...

Xander Schauffele hit a lovely drive down the 17th fairway but he's sliced his second shot into the rough a long way from the green.

Harry Latham-Coyle22 July 2018 18:39

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