WWE Hell In A Cell 2015 results: Brock Lesnar wins bloody battle with Undertaker, John Cena loses US title after Alberto Del Rio's shock return

Full results from WWE Hell In A Cell

Jack de Menezes
Monday 26 October 2015 08:37 GMT
Undertaker stares down Brock Lesnar ahead of their match at Hell In A Cell
Undertaker stares down Brock Lesnar ahead of their match at Hell In A Cell (WWE)

The feud between Brock Lesnar and Undertaker came to a bloody climax at Hell In A Cell, but while the Beast Incarnate was able to walk away with his second victory over the Deadman, the Phenom finds himself trapped in the weird world of the Wyatt Family.

The match of the night started with Undertaker staring down Lesnar, who simply laughed at him once again. The two then went to war, Lesnar being cut open by a ring post – what is it about that forehead that loves to bleed – before repeated chair shots left Undertaker a bloody mess.

Lesnar took the ascendancy and hit Undertaker with not one but two F-5s, and despite nailing the Phenom with the steel chairs, Undertaker refused to give in.

Lesnar resorted to pulling the ring canvas to expose the wood beneath, only for Undertaker to turn the tables and Choke Slam Lesnar onto it. Not content with that, he followed up with a Tombstone Piledriver, but Lesnar wasn’t done yet.

The daunting Hell in a Cell cage
The daunting Hell in a Cell cage (WWE)

The match turned on a familiar sight though. Lesnar delivered a low blow to Undertaker – as the Deadman has repeatedly to Lesnar – and a third F-5 finished the match for Lesnar to back up his WrestleMania victory last year with a second victory over Undertaker.

However, as the cell lifted, the deranged Wyatt Family appeared and descended on Undertaker, before carrying him out of the arena as the show ended.


Earlier in the night, Corporate Kane looked to be out of a job as Demon Kane lost to Seth Rollins in the battle for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Rollins began on the front-foot, but Kane soon changed that with a Choke Slam. However, when he went for a Tombstone Piledriver of his own, he failed and would go on to rue the miss.

As the fight spilled outside the ring, Rollins powerbombed Kane into the Spanish Announcers’ table – but it didn’t break – and a flurry of kicks wore the Big Red Machine down. A Frog Splash and, finally, a Pedigree later, Rollins picked up the victory to end Kane’s reign as Director of Operations.

Seth Rollins holds up his WWE World Heavyweight title
Seth Rollins holds up his WWE World Heavyweight title (WWE)

Earlier in the night, Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt put on one hell of a show as the former Shield member emerged victorious from a punishing affair.

Reigns started on the up with a series of right hands, only for Wyatt to halt his momentum by cracking a kendo stick on his face. Steel chair shots followed before Wyatt used the surrounding cage as an additional weapon, and things only got worse as Wyatt sent Reigns through a table before continuing the beat-down.

Roman Reigns celebrates his victory over Bray Wyatt
Roman Reigns celebrates his victory over Bray Wyatt (WWE)

However, Reigns fought back to Powerbomb Wyatt through a table himself, and followed up with putting him through a second table for Wyatt landed Sister Abigail. The match wore on though, but a Spear from Reigns proved to be the difference as he pinned the Eater of Worlds for the win.

There’s a new United States champion in town after John Cena finally lost to a familiar face. When Cena called out his next opponent, who else but Zeb Colter rode into the arena on a mobility scooter. Thankfully, it wasn’t Colter who was wrestling Cena, but rather a returning Alberto Del Rio.

Alberto Del Rio made a shock return to the WWE to defeat John Cena
Alberto Del Rio made a shock return to the WWE to defeat John Cena (WWE)

The Mexican took the fight to Cena, and after a kick to the jaw, he knocked Cena out to pick up the three-count and a an immediate title success.

Kevin Owens held on to his Intercontinental Championship as he defeated Ryback in exactly the same circumstances as Night of Champions with an eye-rake setting Ryback up for the pop-up powerbomb.

Ryback presses Kevin Owens into the air in a show of brute strength
Ryback presses Kevin Owens into the air in a show of brute strength (WWE)

The New Day were a man down as Xavier Woods was nursing an injury, but that didn’t stop them from prevailing in their bout with the Dudley Boyz. Big E tried to trick the referee by claiming Bubba Ray hit him with the trio’s trusty trombone, but when the bait wasn’t taken Big E used it himself and Kofi Kingston picked up the win with Trouble in Paradise.

Charlotte held on to her Divas Championship after withstanding a lot of punishment from Nikki Bella before clinching victory with the Figure Eight, while in the kick-off match Cesaro, Dolph Ziggler and Neville secured victory over Rusev, King Barrett and Sheamus.


Cesaro, Doplh Ziggler and Nevile DEF Rusev, King Barrett and Sheamus

Alberto Del Rio DEF John Cena

Roman Reigns DEF Bray Wyatt

The New Day DEF The Dudley Boyz

Charlotte DEF Nikki Bella

Seth Rollins DEF Kane

Kevin Owens DEF Ryback

Brock Lesnar DEF Undertaker

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