'It sums up the Brighton, the Hove, and the Albion'
The Wierd and the Wonderful
I was going at quite a high speed. The giraffe just crossed in front of me. Carlos Sainz on the problems of the Safari Rally in Kenya.
I was going at quite a high speed. The giraffe just crossed in front of me. Carlos Sainz on the problems of the Safari Rally in Kenya.
My dad played with Elvis quite a few times. Ian Feuer, Rushden & Diamonds goalkeeper and musician's son.
I've never been to Canada but I've seen where it is on the map. Marc Bircham, of Millwall and Canada.
Like the Tibetans, I have learnt to understand myself, even if you never fully can. Emmanuel Petit, of Arsenal.
He's big, he's black, he's had a heart attack. Arsenal fans' song for Nwankwo Kanu, who had cardiac trouble at Internazionale.
I like the English. You are les rosbifs. I like your accent when you speak French. And I like the English food. But not the vegetable. It is not green when you have cooked it. It does not look like a vegetable. Olivier Peslier, jockey.
Like running with a hair-dryer down your throat. Ray Mouncey, ultra-distance runner, on racing through Death Valley.
We wouldn't have been stupid enough to go out in that weather and play a silly-ass game and freeze to death. We would have been inside listening to jazz, joking and drinking rum. Earl Woods, Tiger's father, on the Scots' invention of golf.
We are not bringing the game into disrepute, so if you are going to write to the Rugby Union, such as it is, I have a message for you: don't be such a sad bastard, get a life. And before I hear from MajorGeneral Sir Humpty-Dumpty Trumpton (RFU deceased), this really is just a bit of fun. Brian Moore on his video, 'Moore's Pitbull Punch-Ups'.
I believe in Frankenstein, I believe in alien beings, I believe in God but most of all I believe in on-loan goalkeepers that can score goals in the 94th minute. Carlisle chairman Michael Knighton after Jimmy Glass's injury-time goal against Plymouth preserved his side's League status.
I've played my last match, scored my last goal and elbowed my last opponent. Blackburn's Martin Dahlin announces his retirement.
For me it sums up the Brighton, the Hove and the Albion. Chris Eubank on Brighton's sponsorship deal with Skint Records.
I've tried surgical spirit, Friar's Balsam and urine in a bucket. They are all pretty similar. Graeme Swann, Northamptonshire bowler, on toughening the skin on his spinning finger.
I've been putting my head in vinegar. Paul Ingle preparing for his featherweight title fight with Manuel Medina, who had suffered three stoppages due to head-butts.
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