Jamie Vardy drinks half a bottle of port before every Leicester match and three cans of Red Bull on game day

Vardy has revealed his not-so-healthy dietary habits in the 24 hours leading up to matches

Jack de Menezes
Wednesday 28 September 2016 13:15 BST
Jamie Vardy has revealed he drinks half a bottle of port the night before every match
Jamie Vardy has revealed he drinks half a bottle of port the night before every match (Getty)

Jamie Vardy has revealed that part of the secret of his success last season was drinking a glass of port out of a Lucozade bottle the night before every match.

The 29-year-old striker finished runner-up to Harry Kane in the Premier League goalscoring chart and led Leicester City’s incredible charge to the title, which has developed into a 100 per cent start in the Champions League this season.

But having already revealed his love of Red Bull before matches, Vardy has gone on to reveal how he took a liking to a glass of port before each game, and admitted that it had become something of a superstition for him after last season’s success.

Writing in his new autobiography Jamie Vardy: From Nowhere, My Story, which is being serialised by The Sun, Vardy explained: “I can't say why it started, because I genuinely don't know, but I decided to drink a glass of port on the eve of every game in the 2015–16 season.

“I'm not normally superstitious but from the moment I scored against Sunderland on the opening day, I didn't want to change anything.

“I fill a small plastic water or Lucozade bottle to halfway and just sip the port while watching television.

“It tastes like Ribena to me, and it helps me switch off and get to sleep a bit easier the night before a game.”

With a Lucozade bottle measuring at 500ml, it means that Vardy drinks around 250ml of port before each match, which is the equivalent of three double shots. But while the alcohol helps him to relax and sleep ahead of a game, he goes the opposite direction with his approach for a match by drinking three cans of Red Bull along with a double espresso to help him “run around like a nutjob”.

Vardy will drink his first can as soon as he wakes up, before having his second at 11.30am shortly after he has eaten a cheese and ham omelette with baked beans. The final can is saved until the build-up to the match itself, with Vardy drinking most of it ahead of the warm-up and the remainder of the can when he returns to the dressing room.

“With this one I sip it all the way until we go out for the warm-up, leaving a bit to finish off when I come back in,” he continued.

“So three Red Bulls, a double espresso and a cheese-and-ham omelette is what makes me run around like a nutjob on a match day.”

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