Gallas robbed of chance for revenge

Glenn Moore
Tuesday 21 November 2006 01:00 GMT

William Gallas will miss the chance to gain a measure of revenge over Chelsea in next month's League match after pulling a thigh muscle at the end of training yesterday that will rule him out for weeks. Gallas will also miss tonight's Champions' League tie against Hamburg and trips to Porto and Bolton, plus the derby with Tottenham.

"It's a huge blow," said his manager Arsène Wenger. "We have so many games coming up and we need a player of his experience."

The defender left Stamford Bridge - in part-exchange for Ashley Cole - in the summer after a well-publicised spat with Jose Mourinho, who accused him of threatening to score an own goal if he played for the club again. Gallas denied the claim but made it clear he wished to leave Chelsea.

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