YouTube prankster sneaks onto Manchester United bus

The YouTube prankster who crashed the stage at the Baftas has targeted the Manchester United team bus

Sonia Twigg
Monday 13 May 2024 09:46 BST
A YouTube prankster managed to sneak onto the Manchester United team bus
A YouTube prankster managed to sneak onto the Manchester United team bus (Getty Images)

The YouTube prankster who gatecrashed Oppenheimer’s Bafta acceptance speech, has recently evaded security again, and found his way onto the Manchester United team bus.

In the aftermath of Manchester United’s dismal 4-0 hammering at Crystal Palace, Lizwani evaded security at Selhurst Park and walked onto their waiting coach dressed in a full club tracksuit.

Once on the bus, he was reportedly stopped by club security guards who escorted him off the bus, but it has been considered a serious security breach.

In February, Lizwani stood behind Cillian Murphy and Emma Thomas on stage as Oppenheimer received awards.

But even that was not the first time the social media prankster has hit the headlines. With over 10,000 subscribers on YouTube, Lizwani has also tried to interrupt the Fifa Ballon D’Or ceremony and the 2022 Brit Awards.

According to the Mail, however this latest one has been treated seriously by the Premier League, who have issued an alert to clubs, warning them to be on the lookout.

Lizwani managed to evade detection outside Selhurst Park, and then make his way towards the team bus, finding a seat before being taken off the coach, and reportedly detained until police arrived.

Palace have launched an investigation, with CCTV footage set to be examined to figure out how he managed to avoid security at the ground.

In 2018, the YouTube personality posted a video on how to get into a Tottenham match, and posed outside the ground with Erik Lamela.

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