Reaction to Bridge's decision

Thursday 25 February 2010 13:22 GMT

Former England international Nigel Winterburn admits he is "shocked" and "amazed" by Wayne Bridge's decision to rule himself out of Fabio Capello's squad but believes it could be best for the team.

The Manchester City defender released a short statement this morning claiming his presence within the national squad was potentially "divisive" and that he did not wish to be selected.

The move comes after lurid details about a relationship between Bridge's former partner Vanessa Perroncel and Chelsea defender John Terry came to light.

Winterburn is stunned by Bridge's announcement but feels it will benefit the England squad, with the World Cup just around the corner.

"I'm absolutely amazed," the former Arsenal defender told Sky Sports News. "He's a terrific player.

"It's an honour and a privilege to play professional football and for your country and I can just imagine how strongly he must be feeling to do this.

"But the attention would not be on football and I think Bridge is obviously thinking he can't work with John Terry again.

"If that's the way he feels then rather than having tensions around the England camp, you have to pick someone else.

"I commend him for what he's done. On the flip side it may be a good thing because you don't want tensions around the England squad."

Terry was ultimately stripped of the England captaincy by Capello, who earlier this week spoke of his optimism that Bridge would continue to play for his country.

Winterburn believes Bridge's decision proves just how badly the affair has hurt him.

He added: "Any top player wants to pit himself against the best in world and go to the biggest stage of all, which is the World Cup, and to rule yourself out of that is amazing and just shows the feeling he must have.

"I am shocked but in the long run maybe it's the best thing for England. You won't have the tension and media scrum every time England plays.

"All the focus would have been on John Terry and Bridge and now that's all gone and can focus on the World Cup.

"I don't think he will come back if John Terry is any part of England squad and there's no way Terry is not going to be picked for the England squad, so for the foreseeable future and maybe the rest of his career Bridge has ruled himself out."

With Ashley Cole injured Capello faces of a selection headache at left-back ahead of the World Cup.

However, Winterburn is confident finding cover will not be a problem in South Africa.

"We've got Stephen Warnock, Leighton Baines, Cole if he's fit," said Winterburn.

"We have terrific left-backs and I don't see it as a problem.

"In my opinion we have two players who can fill that role.

"Cole is best left-back for England and possibly the world so it will be hard to fill his shoes but we have players who can come in.

"We're pretty strong in that area."

Former England and Manchester City defender Danny Mills said fans should not rush to judgment on Bridge.

"Fortunately, it's all hypothetical and until we are faced with that situation we all like to say we would do this or do that, but until we get down to having to make that decision, I don't think we can judge," he told BBC Radio 5 Live.

"We have to respect Wayne and his decision. It's been difficult, it hasn't been easy but he's made that decision now and it's something everyone has to get on with.

"At the moment it leaves (Capello) with no left-backs, no tried and tested left-backs, and that causes a slight problem.

"Ashley Cole, if all being well and his recovery time is as quick as we think it might be, he might make it back for the end of the season, but it won't take an awful lot of that to be delayed slightly and for him to miss out too, so that makes this friendly and the next few England games very, very important."

However, Mills believes the problems are being blown out of proportion.

"I think that's the media hype, the expectations, the country gets so excited when England are playing in a big tournament like the World Cup and that's always going to be the case.

"At club level you always have one or two injuries or issues but with the national squad it gets magnified. Every country will be the same, they will all have problems, it's just how you cope with them, how you deal with them."

Former Arsenal defender Martin Keown believes Bridge has been rushed into a decision and should be given the chance to change his mind.

"I think it's the pressure of a culmination of things," Keown told BBC Radio Five Live. "They meet each other at the weekend (when Chelsea play City), and then there's the Egypt squad to be announced, but he's made the decision for me too quickly.

"Ashley Cole has got a lot of trauma of his own with his injury and will he be fit for the World Cup. All of a sudden Wayne Bridge decides he won't make himself available.

"There's a lot of healing for Wayne Bridge to do and I think he's made the decision too soon."

Keown called on Capello to talk to Bridge and Terry together before the summer and try to change the left-back's mind.

"I would like to see Wayne Bridge in there and I'm not prepared to give up on him yet. Could Capello in some way get them together and say, 'Here, let's be professional'?"

Keown went on to suggest that Bridge would have been under pressure to make an early commitment to England when he needs more time.

"They would have wanted an indication from him, they made a sacrifice with John Terry very publicly losing his position and they would have wanted an indication from the player that he wanted to be part of it.

"What you're going to get if Ashley Cole is fit, you're going to have Wayne Bridge on the fringes of the squad, moping around because he's not playing, and he's got this other issue to deal with.

"But we don't know if Ashley Cole is going to play yet.

"But there's also a professional aspect here because he (Bridge) should have an overriding ambition to win the World Cup."

However, Keown refused to criticise Bridge for wanting to avoid Terry.

"I fully understand if you feel that level of emotion and you're not able to deal with that," he said.

"He's feeling like he's got a lot on his shoulders and he's made a decision that suits him, but I think he made the decision too soon and should be given more time."

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