This kid thought the postman should get post too

'Don't send this to anybody'

Christopher Hooton
Wednesday 11 March 2015 11:11 GMT

It must be kind of lonely being a mailman, all this correspondence running through your hands every day but none of it addressed to you.

One little boy decided to redress this balance however, by sending his family's mailman a postcard for him to keep.

"To Mailman. Don't send this to enybody," it read (sic). "This is yours. Sincirilly, Olivier."

The mailman was delighted by the card, according to the boy's mum, who said on Reddit that he was "walking away shaking his head and chuckling when he saw this."

As for Olivier's rather stunning name, she added: "It's French. He's a classy little dude.

"He went through a brief phase of opting to be called Oliver at school, but then I introduced him to Olivier Giroud, the fabulously attractive and talented French soccer player, and he's all about his name now, and even likes his nickname, Liv.

"He's a beautiful, manly little guy who can absolutely pull it off. The ladies love him. He's hilarious, charming, great at soccer, and has great hair."

The postcard is second in cuteness only to the boy who asked a girl neighbour to "come to my house and eat cheeses with me".

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