What is the Bilderberg group - and who's invited?

Video: It's been meeting since 1954 - but we're still none the wiser

Kiran Moodley
Friday 12 June 2015 07:53 BST
(Oli Scarff | Getty Images)

George Osborne and Ed Balls will be there; so too will former MI6 chief Sir John Sawers, Dutch PM Mark Rutte, Google boss Eric Schmidt and Nato secretary general Jens Stoltenberg.

This year's Bilderberg conference gathers a select few from the worlds of politics, finance, business, and the media at Telfs-Buchen in Austria to discover a range of topics - which are disclosed - and make a bunch of conclusions - which are not disclosed.

They will discuss such pressing matters this year as Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Chemical Weapons Threats, Current Economic Issues, European Strategy, Globalisation, Greece, Iran, the Middle East, Nato, Russia, Terrorism, the United Kingdom, the US and US elections.

No minutes are taken of meetings and no resolutions are proposed at Bilderberg - so what exactly is this weird, elite group of over 100 people that has been meeting since 1954?

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