Vaping butane hash oil is now more popular than smoking it

People are turning away from mixing it with tobacco

Christopher Hooton
Tuesday 09 June 2015 14:46 BST
A Magic Flight Launch Box vapouriser
A Magic Flight Launch Box vapouriser (Magic Flight)

Vapourising butane hash oil (BHO) is now more popular than smoking it in a joint with tobacco, the Global Drug Survey 2015 has found.

Vapouriser and Vape pen use now accounts for 41% of all cannabis consumption, compared to 29% for joints.

While vapourising kit can be expensive, there are a number of pluses that it seems users are slowly cottoning onto.

(Source: GDS 2015)
(Source: GDS 2015)

Vapes are more efficient in their use of cannabis, providing a smoother draw thanks to their lack of tobacco smoke and are more clandestine, producing less odour.

Sweeping marijuana legalisation in the US and other parts of the world has surely played a part in the move towards vapourisers, with people in some areas now able to take their time over consuming weed and enjoy the ritual of it, rather than having to sneak out for a quick joint down an alley when no-one's looking.

Vapourisers are also proving popular with cancer patients, many of whom feel more like they are medicating when using one than doing something 'taboo'.

Manufacturers can barely keep up with the demand, with San Diego company Magic Flight telling us earlier this year how it has grown from one man in his garage making hand-crafted wooden vapes to an international company distributing to head shows around the world in just five years.

The more crude method of hot knifing BHO represents 22% of oil consumption meanwhile, with bongs at 5% and oral (brownies etc) at just 3%.

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