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Israel election news - live: Early results suggest victory for Netanyahu

Latest updates as results from Israel's third election in a year come in

Emma Snaith,Vincent Wood,Conrad Duncan
Monday 02 March 2020 19:20 GMT
Israel elections Blue and White claim a vote for them will prevent a 4th election

Israelis have voted in an unprecedented third general election in under a year, which polls predict will end in yet another political deadlock.

Benjamin Netanyahu held a solid edge over his main rival, exit polls indicated Monday night, but it was unclear whether he can clinch the parliamentary majority needed to claim victory.

If the official results match the exit polls, Mr Netanyahu would receive a major boost ahead of his trial on corruption charges, set to begin March 17.

More than 6.4 million people are eligible to cast their vote in polling stations that will close at 10pm on Monday, with 14 special stations created for those quarantined over coronavirus.

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'Today I feel that I’m doing something'

Fadi jabareen, 27, an Arab citizen of Israel in Tel Aviv, did not bother to vote over the last two elections but in exasperation with the political stalemate is voting for the Arab-majority Joint List.

His relative Yousef jabareen is on the list.

“In the beginning in the first two elections I didn’t vote. This time I have someone from the family, there’s a feeling that we’ll have a voice. The family is talking about that.

"We don’t want [the government ] to decide for us… Today I feel that I’m doing something.”

Vincent Wood2 March 2020 18:30

Trump has plenty at stake when Israelis vote again on new Netanyahu term - John T Bennett

There is plenty on the line for Benjamin Netanyahu today - John T Bennett writes -  but Donald Trump also has a stake in the outcome.

He adds:

The US president and the Israeli leader did little last month to hide their mutual affection as they strode side-by-side into the East Room at the White House to roll out Mr Trump's long-anticipated Israeli-Palestinian peace plan. The politically adept Mr Netanyahu sent a signal to voters back home about his relationship with Mr Trump, a country on which his depends for military equipment and defence dollars.~

"President Trump, Donald, I'm honoured to be here today," Mr Netanyahu said, daring to do something every other world leader avoids while standing in the White House: Calling the ego-driven American president by his first name. Even Trump himself typically refers to himself as "Trump" when speaking publicly in the third person."

More below:

Vincent Wood2 March 2020 18:47

'This is one for the most intriguing, most interesting, and most gripping exit polls'

Camil Fuchs, a Tel Aviv University statistician conducting an exit poll for Channel 13 TV, indicated that the results could be dramatic.

"From the data we have so far .. this is one for the most intriguing, most interesting, and most gripping exit polls - one of the most gripping there have been," he said on Channel 13.

Vincent Wood2 March 2020 19:45

Exit polls put Netanyahu ahead

Benjamin Netanyahu has held a solid edge over his main rival, exit polls indicated Monday night, but it is unclear whether he can clinch the parliamentary majority needed to claim victory.

Exit polls on Israel's main TV channels showed Mr Netanyahu and his nationalist and religious allies winning 60 seats, one short of a parliamentary majority. The center-left bloc, led by former military chief Benny Gantz, was projected to win 52 to 54 seats.

Vincent Wood2 March 2020 20:33
Vincent Wood2 March 2020 21:13

Benjamin Netanyahu heralded the exit poll by thanking voters on Twitter, claiming the projected result was a "huge victory for Israel".

Vincent Wood2 March 2020 22:29

Netanyahu declares victory as additional polls put Likud ahead

Israel's three main TV channels projected in exit polls that Benjamin Netanyahu's rightist Likud and like-minded parties would capture 60 of parliament's 120-seats, just one short of a majority, in Monday's vote. In an updated exit poll, Israel's Channel 13 dropped the figure to 59.

During an acrimonious campaign which focused more on character than on policy, right-wing and religious parties had pledged to join a Likud-led coalition government. But if the 60-seat projection held true, after actual results later on Tuesday, Mr Netanyahu would still have to enlist other allies in coalition negotiations.

A Likud spokesman said the prime minister would deliver a late-night victory speech at the party's election headquarters in Tel Aviv.

Ahead of the address in an apparent declaration of victory, Mr Netanyahu wrote on Twitter: "We won thanks to our belief in our path and thanks to the people of Israel."

Vincent Wood2 March 2020 23:13

Benny Gantz falls short of admitting defeat

Benny Gantz, in a speech at his Blue and White party's election headquarters, stopped short of conceding defeat - saying the election could result in another deadlock.

"I will tell you honestly, I understand and share the feeling of disappointment and pain because it is not the result we wanted," he said.

The exit polls showed Likud taking between 36 and 37 parliamentary seats versus 32 to 34 for Blue and White - a gap that would make it far harder for Gantz to find a path to putting together a governing coalition.

Vincent Wood2 March 2020 23:56

Likud members celebrate potential victory

At the Likud headquarters in Tel Aviv, the room erupted into cheers and supporters, wielding enormous flags and blue balloons, welcomed the poll results as confirmation of a certain win.

"I’m feeling great and I think that the people of Israel have shown that they support the leadership of prime minister Netanyahu and the views of the Likud and the right-wing camp,"  Gilad Erdan, a Likud Knesset member (MK) told The Independent.

"Now we hope that the other parties will accept this verdict and will negotiate with us to establish a strong right-wing government," he added. 

Vincent Wood3 March 2020 01:01

Israeli voters furious at endless elections

Across Israel, a sense of desperation appears to have to driven voters to the polling booths, our middle east correspondent, Bel Trew writes. But the enthusiasm to vote did not mask the anger.

"For them, it’s a shameful game of musical seats in parliament. For us, it’s our lives," one voter said. 

Vincent Wood3 March 2020 02:00

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