Three Danish youths who raped a diabetic teenage girl have acquittal quashed

The victim was found with her insulin pump disconnected behind bushes at a community hall

Matt Payton
Tuesday 16 August 2016 09:14 BST
The Eastern High Court of Denmark (pictured) found the victim incapable of of giving consent to sex
The Eastern High Court of Denmark (pictured) found the victim incapable of of giving consent to sex (Google Maps)

A High Court has quashed the acquittal of three youths for raping a drunk diabetic teenage girl at a party.

The High Court of Eastern Denmark ruled the 17-year-old victim was so drunk and affected by diabetes, she was unable to consent to sex.

The victim was found with her insulin pump disconnected behind bushes at a community hall. Multiple abrasions were found on her body with lacerations to her vagina and anus.

A District Court in Roskilde had previously ruled the victim was in a fit state to consent. The youths' acquittal caused outrage and demonstrations across Denmark.

The victim had apparently drunk 12 units of alcohol after arriving at the party.

Her blood sugar levels were found to be many times higher than normal.

The three defendants, aged 17 at the time of the offence in September 2014, have now been convicted of rape and attempted rape, receiving prison sentences.

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Two of the youths received eight-month jail terms while the third was given a six-month prison sentence.

Helena Hansen from the Danish Women's Society told TV2 the High Court will "give rape victims the courage to stand up".

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