Syrian refugees rescue neo-Nazi German politician after car crash

Men who had fled war and persecution in their home country rush to the aid of politician who has previously made statements including 'the boat is full', 'stop the asylum flood' and 'integration is genocide'

Matt Payton
Tuesday 22 March 2016 17:03 GMT
Supporters of anti-immigration right-wing movement PEGIDA
Supporters of anti-immigration right-wing movement PEGIDA (Reuters)

Syrian refugees rescued a seriously injured neo-Nazi German politician following a serious traffic accident.

Stefan Jagsch from the National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) had swerved off the road and collided with a tree in the central German town of Büdingen, near Frankfurt.

A coach of Syrian refugees happened to be passing the accident scene in a bus and two rushed to the stricken man's aid.

They managed to pull the badly hurt politician from the wreckage and administered first aid, according to Spiegel Online.

Jean Christoph Fiedler, a regional NPD official, told the Frankfurter Rundschau daily the refugees had “likely performed a very good, humane deed”.

Bild reported Mr Jagsch suffered two broken legs and a cut to the face as a result of the accident.

The NPD has attacked Chancellor Merkel's laws on asylum for letting too many refugees and criminals into Germany.

Jagsch, 29, had been the party's lead candidate for a local elections in the town of Altenstadt in the German state of Hesse.

He has reportedly posted statements on his Facebook page including "the boat is full", "stop the asylum flood" and "integration is genocide".

NPD won 10 per cent of Altenstadt vote in the recent elections.

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