Paris attacks: Woman who blew herself up during police raid was cousin of alleged Paris attack planner

Hasna Aitboulahcen was related to Abdelhamid Abaaoud, according to French media

Jon Stone
Wednesday 18 November 2015 18:46 GMT
An anti-terrorist police assault in northern Paris suburbs Saint-Denis
An anti-terrorist police assault in northern Paris suburbs Saint-Denis (Evening Standard)

A young woman who detonated a suicide belt during a police raid in Paris was the cousin of the alleged planner of Friday's series of attacks in the city, French media reports.

The Reuters news agency says the woman is related to Abdelhamid Abaaoud, who police are seeking in connection with the bombs.

She is said to be named Hasna Aitboulahcen, and is aged 26.

The broadcaster RTL says the woman had previously worked as a manager in the construction industry in the northern Paris suburb of Epinay-sur-Seine.

The explosion, thought to have been detonated by a suicide belt, took place in the Saint-Denis district in the north of Paris.

Police are trying to establish whether the woman warned suspected accomplices before she detonated her suicide belt, according to French television channel TF1.

What do we know about the Paris attackers?

She is believed to have made a phone call before her death.

Amateur video footage from the scene shows police special forces shouting “Where is your boyfriend?” to the woman. She replied “He’s not my boyfriend!” before the incident escalated.

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