Denmark to stop paying salary to royal family grandchildren

'Simple mathematics dictate that there needs to be some sort of limit. Otherwise within a few generations there will be several hundred princes and princesses who need an annual salary,' says a ruling party spokesman

Matt Payton
Sunday 21 August 2016 14:47 BST
Pictured here: Queen Margrethe
Pictured here: Queen Margrethe (Reuters)

Danish politicians are planning to limit the number of the Queen's grandchildren who will receive an annual salary from the state.

Queen Margrethe II has eight grandchildren with politicians stating that "simple mathematics" would require them to look again who is eligible for funding.

There has been cross-party that Crown Prince Frederik's son, Prince Christian, will continue to receive the state-funded salary as he is second-in-line to the throne.

Prince Christian's three younger siblings and the four children of the Queen's second son, Prince Joachim, are thought to lose their eligibility.

A MP for the ruling Venstre party, Jan E. Jørgensen, told Politiken: "Simple mathematics dictate that there needs to be some sort of limit.

"Otherwise within a few generations there will be several hundred princes and princesses who need an annual salary."

Queen Margrethe (3rd L), Prince Henrik (5th L), Crown Prince Frederik (L) and Crown Princess Mary (6th R) and their children, Prince Christian (4th L), Princess Isabella (2nd L), Prince Vincent (6th L) and Princess Josephine (5th R). Also pictured: Princess Alexandra (4th R) of Berleburg and Count Jefferson (3rd R) with their children Countess Ingrid
Queen Margrethe (3rd L), Prince Henrik (5th L), Crown Prince Frederik (L) and Crown Princess Mary (6th R) and their children, Prince Christian (4th L), Princess Isabella (2nd L), Prince Vincent (6th L) and Princess Josephine (5th R). Also pictured: Princess Alexandra (4th R) of Berleburg and Count Jefferson (3rd R) with their children Countess Ingrid (Reuters)

Critics in the Folketing (Danish Parliament) have called for the heir to the throne, Crown Prince Frederik, to share his own salary with his children instead of the government paying them their own stipend.

Tax spokesman for the Liberal Alliance party, Ole Birk Olesen said: "I'd rather go back to the old system, so that only the Crown Prince Frederik's first-born, who are entitled to annuities.

"Government finances should only have the task of supporting one of his children, who will inherit the throne after him."

The Royal Family's spokespeople have declined to comment on which of the grandchildren they want to receive annuities.

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