Indian bride walked out of wedding after groom failed to answer maths problem

Her family accused the groom's family of concealing his level of education

Kashmira Gander
Friday 13 March 2015 16:16 GMT
An Indian bride wears decorations during a wedding ceremony
An Indian bride wears decorations during a wedding ceremony (ROBERTO SCHMIDT/AFP/Getty Images)

An Indian bride walked out of her wedding, after her groom failed to answer a simple maths question.

During the ceremony in Rasoolabad village in northern Uttar Pradesh state last Wednesday, the woman named Lovely Singh, asked groom Ram Baran to solve "15+6".

When he replied "17", she promptly left and accused him of being illiterate.

Despite pleas from the groom’s family, Ms Singh refused to return to the ceremony and said she had been misled about his education.

Mohar Singh, the bride's father, defended his daughter and accused the groom’s family of concealing his level of education.

"Just before the marriage ceremony Lovely came to know that Ram Baran is illiterate and she refused to marry," he told BBC Hindi.

"The groom's family kept us in the dark about his poor education," he said "Even a first grader can answer this."

Local police in Rasoolabad, near the industrial town of Kanpur, mediated between the families, and both sides returned all the gifts and jewellery that had been exchanged before the wedding, local police officer Rakesh Kumar said on Friday.

It comes after a bride in Uttar Pradesh married a wedding guest after the original groom had a seizure and collapsed at the wedding venue.

The groom's family had not revealed that the groom was epileptic. While the groom was rushed to a hospital in Rampur town, the bride asked one of the wedding guests to step in and married him.

Many marriages in India are arranged by the families of the bride and groom, and couples sometimes meet briefly before the nuptials.

Additional reporting by AP

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