US Women's World Cup champions celebrate in New York City

The club made history as the first women's team to receive a ticker tape parade in the city

Justin Carissimo
Friday 10 July 2015 22:50 BST

The US Women's World Cup champions celebrated their victory on Friday with a parade in New York City.

The 23-member club was victorious over Japan in a 5-2 win, bringing home their first World Cup since 1999. The women's team also celebrated the most-watched football game in the US of all-time.

Head coach Jill Ellis and her team of world-class athletes rode on floats amongst fans. "Winning the World Cup was pretty special, but today was mind-blowing," she said. "I hope you celebrate for a long, long time, New York."

Midfielder Carli Lloyd, who scored a hat trick in the final, echoed her coach's sentiment: "Having the parade here in New York City was one of the best moments of my entire life — and we all feel the same."

The stars were handed keys to the city by Mayor Bill de Blasio during the celebration which reportedly cost the city $2 million, with private donations covering nearly half the cost.


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